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I oziMimi.sheet mgmm. 4* Claeses of Consumers * Mhere tee or more classifications ft consumers art served by oat tartlet, each classification till be separately rated. for all services whether the premiees are oooiipled or not until ter-* rite shall be, In vrlting, ordered discontinued. 6. Q*ner Charged - (bargee for voter eerrloe may be made against the ovner of the premises served. Resuming berries - then eerrloe le discontinued pur- scant to Rules S and 6, It vlll not be re-established until all de» Unguent oharges are paid. vater, vlthout notlee, for the purpose of asking repairs or exten- slona. to property line, lneludlng tapping of vater aalns and the shut off, shall be Installed, salntained and ovned by the Mater Company subject to the obligation of the applleant to pay the relieving charges* for 3/4* connection idth service line extending from main to property line not exceeding 60 feet, $X6.00. For 1* eonneotlon vlth eerrloe line extending from main to property line not exceeding 60 feet, #20.00. For over 1* and not exceeding 2* oonneotion vlth serrloe line extending from main to property line not exceeding 60 feet, 160.00* o* Plapgi&l o« of Ohergee * Mater rates vill be charge! 8. Mergenoy Shut-Offs - The Mater Company may shut off 9. Service Lines - All eerrloe linee extending from mains