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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    P A S A D E N A S A C R A M E N T O S A N F R A N C I S C O S A L O N G B E A C H N B E R N A R D I N O S A N D I E G O Western Surgical Supply Co., Ltd. 653-667 SOUTH BURLINGTON AVENUE FItzroy 1281 LOS ANGELES 5. CALIFORNIA April 5, 1950 V, Las Vegas Land & Water Company 4-01 South 2nd Street Las Vegas, Nevada Gentlemen: We have a Delinquency Notice dated March ^8, 1950, covering our location at 215 North Third Street, Las Vegas, Nevada. We have never received any bills on this and didnot know that there was any amount due* Since all of our bills are paid from our Los Angeles office at 661 South Burlington Avenue, Los Angeles 5, California, will you kindly send us an itemized bill showing ex­actly what is due on this account* When this is received a cheek will be mailed immediately* In the future, we are wondering if it would not be possible for you to send all bills direct to our Los Angeles office. In this way there will be no danger of the bills not being taken care of and it will result to our mutual benefit in handling the account* Yours very truly, WESTERN SURGICAL SUPPLY COMPANY NMSsmr