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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    t% If 50 UVi if* £« §* Chapman 1123 Shopman Sip has Vegas, Sevada 0ear Hr, Shopman* this gs&nowlodgs and thanh you fST youy shook in the amount of #384,00 w&l am* been applied to your beoerabes*, #amiary# and February osoount of m »Wantt %silS3®y at #128.00 g§J|f month, Would you kindly send us a shedfc for Harsh In oner to bring Ms account; up to date and also for tho di^lexe* in <3haa?a®sten &$aar* at follows* hillside flaes 5 months « #28,00 #140• 00 IffS. Street 4 months § #28,00 #112.00 A shear for #508*00 will bring your asoount Up to date as of April Joth, and 1 will appreciate it If yen will smngt to sand m a fit* as soon as possible after the sloes of sash month SO we oan hoop your account in bal&noe. Very truly fours, a. x, yoiger