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    D O N O T A D D R E S S T H E S I G N E R O F T H I S L E T T E R * r u t a n n P F a e vmiu'toFPl v T O T E L E P H O N E P r o s p e c t 4 711 [for PEACE O F F I C E R I N C H A R G E U . S . N A V Y P U R C H A S I N G O F F I C E B U T A D D R E S S Y O U R ^ fc E P L Y T O A N D R E F E R T O U. S. N A V Y P U R C H A S IN G O F F IC E EN9-(240)/PD*ah Sched. 87438 1206 SOUTH SANTEE STREET SAVINGS L O S A N G E L E S 15, C A L IF O R N I A BONDS! 18 March 1949 Las Vegas Land & Water Co., Las Vegas, Nevada. Subject* Navy Purchasing Qffice-Los Angeles contract N123s-56977. Gentlemen* Enclosed herewith are four (4) revised cover sheets applying to subject contract. Due to an error made by this office the "Size of Service" and "Pressure" were omitted from this sheet. It is requested that the cover sheets now attached to subject contract be destroyed and revised sheets substituted in lieu thereof. Lieut., SC(W)USN By direction. Encl*(HW) (4) cys. Revised cover sheet