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    Attached to and made part of Contract NQy(u) p' WATER SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS 1. PREMISES TO BE SERVED Blltmore Annex $ lt Washington Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 2, ESTIMATED SERVICE REQUIREMENTS? Estimated daily maximum demand* Estimated annual consumption* (not metered)_______________ ' (Government is in no way obligated to use nor is it restricted to the above estimated requirements,) 3e POINT OF DELIVERY, The point of delivery of water shall be Same as above — — 4* DESCRIPTION OF WATER SERVICE* The Contractor shall have gallons per minute of water continuously available at the point of delivery at a pressure of not less than 40 pounds per square inch gauge, 5* QUALITY OF WATER, The Contractor will supply clear, potable water safe for human consumption in accordance with standards adopted by the United States Public Health Service for drinking and culinary water supplied by com­mon carriers in interstate commerce and such revisions thereof as may be made from time to time, 6* METERING AND BILLING* Water will be measured by meter(s)« 7* SIZE OF CONTRACTOR’S PIPE LINE TO POINT OF DELIVERY INCHES DIAMETER. -----— ----\---- S. ALTERATIONS aND ADDITIONS,