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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    lob--Angeles July 30, 1907 Mr. Walter B. Bracken, ' Agent: Las Yegas, hev. •' ^ ' Lear Sir:- • Jill lias "been made, in this offiee against the Lae Yegas and Ton- opah lailroad Company for water furnished for us-e of hospital in the Thom­as Block at rate of $1.50 per month,.beginning with month of February 1907. This charge covers only the water service'for the hospital, and is not to he understood as covering supply that may be obtained from that tap for any other purpose. The amount of $4.70 for which collection is made each month from the Thomas Block is mae up as follows, and is supposed to cover all the water used on the second floor,, and only that so used. The charge was based on report made by you last February as follows; 16 rooms at 20^ each' $ 3.20 ? . Bath tub ' , 1. 00 ' | Toilet .50 I Total ' $ 4.70 The charge of $3.20 is made on basis of ten rooms per shedule-- $2.00, which is at the rate of 20 cents per room* The six additional rooms at 20^ make $1.20, which added1to the $2.00 makes rate of $3.20. Any water that may. be supplied on the first fl&or to rooms other than those as at present occupied by the hospital should be charged for in addition to the rates named above and at regular shhedule rates. Yours truly, • . .i (srgnedj H I Bettis