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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    111 l'?52 ? ? touts Carlo., iao* col, nr. aobsrt ft* Alltft*OJi&Xrn#jf 15 Fremont street Public Service O o m i scion V#g&8# ’jNev&da of ftSVsdA Gars Attentions l!y* pr#£i §©iy on City, Sa'8&$& 3»r«aXd«nt Bear Sin Inferring to your letter of August' 16* 1352 concerning charge for cooling w t ® f o r Refrigeration Machines #$- Indicated Ill mxv 1st tor of August 12, 1952* * • jjfci corrected our record# to indicate, on®-. 30 ton capacity m-ichine # i stated In your letter# • The charge for water for cooling refrigeration m e M n e s as Set forth in our rats schedule was, In the absence of meter## baaed upon tonnage of the refrigeration equipment •* b ing used* *h« rats® m t h wore approved by the fublt© Service Gornttlesion of flesude. 'egiply squally to all types of water cooled refrigeration naomnsa. regardless of the purple for which such imohlnes are used or the period and number of tours per day In operation* Aa yon no doubt v*notf, the laws of the stats of ttesada prohibit the ua© of meters, Xn other olties throughout the country asters afford & basis of ©imrg'ng' each customer for water actually used, tlmmvcr, until such time as asters are permitted; in La# Vegas# water for refrigeration units must be M U M on a tonnage basis* I Inasmuch m water is used for cooling of your refrig-, ‘C©j *r' ationt htes &porhoinsec*r#i bweed hr«avtee sn of ovrX ttehre n asteirvvei coet.her than to ; Attached is aur invoice cowering cooling water for the 30 ton. unit for period January 1 , to and i n c i t i n g August 31 1952# ? will an'-.rsoiat's early renit&oioe, Tours truly, f # ii* Johnson