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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ £L CORTEZ HOTEL Las Vegas, Nevada September 19, 19^2 Secretary of the Public Service Commission Carson City, Nevada Gentlemen: Please be advised that I send herewith a copy of a recently addressed to Mr* W, H. Johnson of the Las Land and Water Company} also a copy of a letter we from Mr* Johnson outlining the charges f<4*- water _gc ions to various refrigerating machines^in^the El C< I would like to request of the Public Servi^AComm: to hold a hearing in Las Vegas o/Olne chargeplfor this water service to the refrigerating machinesv^s I feel that the diarge is entirely outNn^line other charges of the Las Vegas Land and Water vb^roqrnp^Mri I f e d that even thou^i they may hav^pesaa^doK^V’charge this rate, the Public Service C o n a ^ r t m ^ ^ n o t N ^ ^ i a a n t of exactly what these rates invdfred* \\ It was ity understaxtdfLng that the PubjLic Service Commission granted the rate tmhking that it wa(s in connection with an ice plant whereiJ^onsiderablejuxter would be used in main in the casfg/f the El Cortez? all of our : the purpose of cooling air o f m E S S g ice. The only water that the ines use is that which evaporates thro evaporative condenser* Very truly yours, s/ W. J* Moore Jr* W® J* Moore, Jr* WJMsab HOTEL EL CORTES ENTERPRISES End: Cpy of ltr from Mr* Johnson Cpy of ltr to Mr* Johnson