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I agree.Las Vegas - June 6, 1941 w , f r Mr. §:« i« Muton, Public nervlee CommCihsasiiromna,n, Carson § 1 % 9 Nevada. Dear Mr. sexton: regard to aR erpeqluyeisntg rteo ceyiovuerd lebyt tetrh e4 uCnoem m3irsds.i owni tfhr om rseuspipldye nttsh em Iwni tmhe rHaFt9e&rM sterrvaiccte, , t o wh#a hvaev eo urre cweaitveerd Company slmillar requests from this tract from tin to time In gtrheo unpads tt,h ish utm orwneinntg ,o vewre tdhlea esuisteueadtri otnhe a gsauibnj eoctn otfh ew ater main extensions with a number of the residents in the tract and were advised that there are about 30 houses to be served; this agreed fairly closely with our sur vey which showed 97, ranging from one-room shacks to fairly good slsed houses. and this wouThledr ea vaerraeg e3 2 lMesosc ktsh ani n2 the Hfh&ss addition end they are badly scattered throug hh outshee s entto irteh e sbulb*ock dtihvriosuigohn ,e vwehriyc hbl woocku,l d imna okred eitr nteo ceasdseaqruya tetlo y exsteernvde lthaetme,rals te estimate the cost would be in the neighborhood of 141,300; on the basis of 22 houses and 33 shacks the potential revenues would be #97,00 a month. *e are already serving *01d Town* from Clark Avenue to Washington, from the Railroad to ®itnhv essttmreenett,, wtihtath alo cfailristty-,c la1s9s2 9 ca^sats #ir2o6n, 00sy0s taenmd. thOeur rpeopvuelnaute sed .#271 per month, but the festslds Is more thickly