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    fi#§t Supply at §s,d Vsgaai tea Vega# - Juno IB, 1938* I 33-3-3 Mr* £» I* Bsnnott, Ctaueral Solicitor, bo® fflfflm'-h Calif, B?&r Sin Sit Mt® boon expsr tanning u&mo dlff loulty •with the nm mil dfilladt at fos fag*a la Ctetohsr 1836 by tb# Boaeoe Iwa- 6oiBpa«y, aa tfe# «?r\mt ©f water pro* duaad thereby bat fallen off almost two and a half wl Ilian, gallon#’p#* day* Ob handling the mat tar with the drilling they eEpre*Med the ©pinion that tfeis tfobbi© dould m oorraotM by either paapiiig the wall to f#@# it' from- ®mnd, or by further perforating the ©aeing, which would oast betweea |300 and |500, I 4iioto holow'lr* Ifekfm’a tel jgrsat data, ? autfr- ©tielsg- tbi# .werfct ?Tour lotto* 14th and Boaooa Mote prop­osition, Thi# in my opinion, ohould ha dona lastedlately, litff *i#a you »saM got in touch with Eoaaoa Koaw and sake neeeesary arsons#** mentis, aieieisg QoufU Manage* Gtaild.nnd Sa^i* Bareon* Soao’diopio letter form- of ©entr&et will probably b# tteeaaaary- in order to permit fro# tranepertetion of equipment* ffel# inroan should arrange for. A-13? Grg IBB Cy H$6*, In the ebaend© of General Attorney Maiamern, who la out of town, will you Kindly hay* §& 'letter of agreement prepared to lover* I enoleee aopy of the •xobenge of c or r eepon-s eao © with Bosooa l#a« for your Information and vguidanoe* Tours msy truly, ^mUrWn7 MiMW, co - Mr* W. 0*'x6oiid> Vi c e-f*resilent, Mr, H. 1* hixt&m.