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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    m ALFRED MERRITT SMITH STATE ENGINEER EDMUND MUTH SPECIAL ENGINEER C. E. THIEX OFFICE MANAGER ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE STATE ENGINEER STATE OF NEVADA OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER CARSON CITY, NEVADA F. N. DONDERO DEPUTY STATE ENGINEER J. A. MILLAR OFFICE ENGINEER E. J. DeRICCO FIELD AND OFFICE ENGINEER in your reply refer to no. s. 7200—7202 iiicl. 10127, 1045&, 1050$, 10706, 10707, 10$67, 10$6$, 10B69, 10$70 and 11249 June 21, 1950 Las Vegas Land & Water Company, Box 169, Las Vegas, Nevada. Gentlemen: With reference to your letter of June 19, 1950 in which you requested information on filings you have made in the Las Vegas Artesian Basin will advise that the information you have requested is listed below: Well Nol Permit No. Certificate No. Amount of Water Granted 1 7201 1$55 2.30 c.f.s. 2 10127 2674 2.70 c.f.s. 3 1045$ 2$2$ 2.13 c.f.s. 4 1050$ 2$29 .96 c.f.s. 5 10706 3009 1.0 or 723 acre ft. per yr 6 10707 3010 1.0 c.f.s. or 723 acre ft. per yr 7 10S67 30$$ 2.26 c.f.s. $ 10$6$ 30$9 2.37 c.f.s. 9 10B69 3090 1.51 c.f.s. 10 10$70 3091 3.00 c.f.s. 11 11249 3092 2.26 c.f.s. In checking our files we find that three filings have been made on Well No. 1 as follows: Cert. 1631 was issued under Permit 7200 for 2.5 c.f.s. for rail­road and domestic use. This certificate stands in the name of the Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Co. with a priority of August 23, 1924. Cert. 1$55 was issued under Permit 7201 for 2.30 c.f.s. for municipal supply and domestic use. This certificate stands in the name of the Las Vegas Land & Water Company with a priority of August 23, 1924*