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    The Water treatment Plant consists of the following principal units: Two Reaction Tanks* Chemical Feed Equipment. Sight Rapid Sant Filter*. Four Zeolite Softeners. Chlorination Equipment. Two Clear Well*. Building* aeaction Tank* are ^tf'LSt**** variety, using ©err hydrotreator Equip- tanks are 65 feet square, with a 1% foot side water depth. fl*w is approximately one hour. The reaction tank* are identical and operate in parallel. Sltcrg confisi of eiSht separate units, with a total sur­face area of 5,080 square feet and a three foot sand depth. The design t?fee Sails®* per square foot per minute, , back wash rate la fifteen gallons per square foot per minute. The 5^*tSt5^L.h5v# t baof~waah tower, back-wash water being pumped direct the filtered water clear well through the filters. Wastewash water is reclaimed and pumped back through the reaction tanks. ?omTed direotly Trom the filter overflow to four Zeolite cells. The total serf ace area of the Zeolite beds is *12* a iseCla depth of four feet. Synthetic Zeolite is used, ^eoli^e treated water overflows to the smaller of the two clear wells. IfLlSl J001®®*3-® wftef supply# filtered water and Zeolite treated water are ?ie??eLto.the deadred hardness by an automatic tempering valve. T^ee t0r py?ps J*** to raiBe the pressure in the domestic water distribution system. All water is chlorinated after treatment, the chlorine wvS cf the clear wells, which provide a brief contact period before the water is discharged to the distribution mains. ?\e entire plant, including building, tanks and clear well*, is cf reinforced concrete construction. It is completely fireproof and of excellent design. JB»18TSI®AI» TBANSMI8SIQS & COHTRQL ll&tlfgg Jrane®isfl°^ §£& Control lines consist of %ectrie Transmission jHJf Telephone Control System and Transformer Bank. The electrical trans- missloa line to the Booster Pump Station is 69 kv, is 62,770 Test long with Jnd §/°J“strand copper cables. From the transformer Pump station to the intake control house is 2,3 miles SnC*^*l 5 kv* Parkway Gable laid under ground. The telephone con- approximate total length of 84,000 feet with 438 poles, lhe °aMe la *#?* P*P 1nUatk, The transformer bank at the Booster Pump it&tim ha* been described under •Booster Pump itation Equipment®. 5