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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I tem ______(_U________________ Reservoir Mo* 1 - Cont*d. Float Switch Electric wiring for limits and switch Float & Indicator Telemeter instruments, transmitter and receiver Overflow pipes: 2h* C.I.P. 2h# * (Extension) Total Reservoir Ho* 1 Reservoir Ho* 2 Charleston Blvd. 1,266,666 gal. eapy., 1S3* dia®, cone, floor slab, relnf* cone, walls, comp. roof on frame rafters on cone* posts, frame ventilation area on top of roof, galv. iron gutters and downspouts with drains, all as per Dwg. Hos.16179-7 to I3,incl* Excavation Backfill around reservoir Relnf* concrete Relnf. steel Sand cushion under floor Rubble cone, at spillway Lumber Misc. Hardware Steel plates Roofing, JM - C-10 Screens Expansion Joints Painting Roof gutters &•!•, painted Downspouts -12- Unit No. of Units Year Con­structed Average Age (Yrs) (2) (3) (V) (5) Ea 1 1929 Lot m Ea 1 • Lot 19^2 LF 53 1929 H h2 i9hh CT 1,7*$ 19*7 r l,7h6 « R 9S9 R LB 72,000 • CT h66 « m. 16 R MBM njtooo R LB 2,220 R • 2,lh2 R SQ, 2«7 R SF 2,0S1 R LF 2,152 R Lot » LF 600 R EA 6 R E3TIMATED COST COST OF REPRODUCTION Est. L i f e (Yrs) Cond, % Un i t Price $ Wi thou t Overhead t OH New including Overhead New Less Deprec iat i on IS (7) (8) (9) (10) (ID (12)