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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    capital investment ih water supply sxstm iktake pumping station Structures* Including Cantilever Structure* pump Souse and. Buss Ecus# SmpMSl ^ Power Line from Substation near Booster Pump Station Grading and. Excavation Roadway-Park Service Higwsy to Inlet Works Causeway Mainland to Island Fencing Protective Works for Pump Columns 366*122,52 233,728.00 118*090.51 73,257.95 251,^22.92 235,965*18 9*489*26 245.91 Total i 1,294*322.25 BOOSTER PUMPING STATICS Structures Equipment Grading and Excavation Reservoir 13,461.68 .. 77*8&t2Z Total 535,120.90 PRESSURE PIPE LIKE Complete from Intake to Terminal Reservoir# & Terminal Reservoirs to Magnesium Plant f 2*221*131.85 TERMINAL RBSERYQIM Total I 428,551.37 WATER TREATMENT PLAI& Structures I 364,748*92 Equipment 288,569.08 Caustic & Brine Pipe Lines from Chlorine Plant 22,713*45 Construotlon Items Added After Completion of Contract 11*954*99 Total | 687*986*44 Total Capital Investment $ 5,167,112.81