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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - Jim© X8th, 19 *#, W 2>l*a Hr* F, Harps « », .. tohnot&sdging sroisr lot ter June 17 th. file rjt R^spap^ artiole regardirS JSSiS^ atruotion of a water Hue **» «3toSSI toS *_. JjfT0*® 8r* ft#* OR this subject e day or account Is flooSb&t g^m©IT 23 5s® been signed for toonstruotionof a ?*S *» primip^S bSLufe *re **>* aTcllald-^^hfetth®9 wf®JS?1^4^^0 stated is that the Water mjrtx&at ^gli^ering Haas to asH© a feasibility aSe? «^nh0|^^® ^bsth^r it is practicable to ooiJT struct such a water line, and wb&t the costs will be* J**1®*^ vtwlm this sobjeot, I attach r^?«JrSJ 2t ™9 P*®»* *&© Idea wo# sold to the toe promise that it would cost then nothinr m’i+.Sf3!3 w®u4$ h& paid frora th® ©arnirefa of to© tt&tlr S^S* thg!,r_la :* of to a£ll iSi* Wf^ Wm Posters attested * Sr*bonus on tois basis, they rail- Into difficult-Moa endeavored to amend the tot under which to® v<ater Sistriot was created, to permit laniMnaa nf Km^a ft! SS'?H1JiRrt!w ai**"*j* wtawit fjjMt'mb? Mtaag She tend lseu» far or jotO. at «w jawparty of th. !WS®Plf “Wootoa. and at * ranting a^osasr at the last seasion of toe Sev&da Le^llatox|°to^^h* or m. p^oftSK^5