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booster pimps, reservoirs, water treatment plant, ©to*, installed at a oast in mmm of $0,000,000,00. At the meeting last night, the engineers advised the oooaaitiee that the Basie water •? atari had been subjected to oonsl&erabXo wear alcl tear, t besides being installed In a hurry as a war emergency measure, and that'they (the oaemlttee) AuxtiUI therefor© expect to be saddled with the entire cost of a line frost the Lobe* this statement was' .mad© in response to a rumor that the HatioiuA* downment might be persuaded to /Are the system to dark County without coot. The i34iaio Magnosliss water- line operating costa, in- ?' > eluding dost of Water Purchased (at tsdee), Supply and fransmiseion • Storage alii Treatment, was. $32*80 per million gallons. .Based on a mx&mm, demand of 14,000,000 gallons per day (vfoloh we approached last summer) the oost would be #22,080.00 per month. Our sales now run $3.3,000,00 per month. The IM1 operating cost shows quoted doss not include depreciation, reserve for replacement, taxes »- interest on investment, and ooatCBplatss delivery only half-way to has Vegas. ?SJH> • The capacity of their water treatment plant is 20 Billion gallons per day, and 6 -million gallons por day of this amount mist be delivered to the present Basic Magnesium Project . and tbs tom of Henderson adjoining, fTahhly, X do not see what could be accomplished by the proposed plan, except that it might make a supply of water available for irrigation in the Vegas Valley (at the expense