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I agree.STATE OF HMD A) ) 3S. GOUBTY OF CLABX) Walter B.Br%cken, bei4g first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he la the Vice-President and Agent of the Las Segss Laid. & Water Company, a corporation, and that he has been connected with same Company since 1905, and that it is a part of the affiant's duties to Inform himself, and keep himself informed as to the value of said Company's property and other properties similar and adjacent thereto* That affiant makes this affidavit as to the following items of real property disposed of hy Las Vegas Land & water Company during the month of May 1928; ITEM GrBAHTEE FA IB MARKET YAHJE INSCRIPTION Jftgfll 1, Ml. 1 0.J.P0TTH0FF lota seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18) Blook Twenty-three (23) Glares Las Vegas Townsite,Las Vegas, Clark County,Hevada, #2,184.00 for the purpose of showing the value of said property as of March 1, 1913, That said real property consists of one (1) Five Boom Dwelling House with the underlying realty* That the "Fair Market Value as of March 1,1913" of the fore* going parcel of land and the improvements thereon is hased on the affiant's knowledge and information as to the vain© of each on March 1,1913 & 4 water Co Vice-President & # unty of Clark State of tfevada. My Commission Expires Bov ember 23, 1931* Subscribed and sworn to before me this