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L a s V e g a s L a n d a n d W a t e r .C o m p a n y G . F. A S H B Y , Pr e s i d e n t , Om a h a , N e b r . W . H . G U IL D , VICE-PRES., OMAHA, NEBR. F R A N K S TR O N G , Vi c e - p r e s ., Lo s A n g e l e s , c a l . W M . R E IN H A R D T , V i c e - p r e s ., Lo s An g e l e s , Ca l . W . H . J O H N S O N , SECRETARY, LOS ANGELES, CAL. C . B. M A T T H A I, As s is t a n t S e c r e t a r y , O m a h a , n e b r . L. J . B A C H M A N , As s is t a n t s e c r e t a r y , O m a h a , Ne b r . R. W IP P R E C H T , Au d it o r . O m a h a , N e b r . S C O T T LO R D , T r e a s u r e r , O m a h a , Ne b r . C H A R L E S A D A M S , a g e n t , Lo s A n g e l e s , c a l . Mr. F. F. Garside and Mr. A. E. Cahlan, Las Vegas, Nevada. Gentlemen: A . M. F O L G E R , g e n e r a l m a n a g e r La s V e g a s , Ne v . C . M. C O R Y , Ag e n t La s V e g a s , n e v . 422 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14, California April 21, 1948 1-7334 oc * I ou £old option to purchase a 75 ft. of frontage upon North Main Stre ept,a rcLeals Vofe glasa,n d Nheavvaidnag? and are arranging to purchase a parcel having 100 ft. of frontage. These two parcels, together with a parcel under sale to Sears, Roebuck, having 100 ft. of frontage, and the land of the Water Company having 250 ft. of frontage, are not now served by sanitary sewer. It will require 750 ft. of 8-inch vitrified pipe sanitary sewer with three manholes to afford service to this 525 ft. of frontage, the estimated cost of construction being $4,600.* This amount prorated to the above properties on a lineal-foot basis, wouid call for $655 for the 75 ft. parcel and $875 each for the 1C0om0p afnty., parcels; the remaining cost would be assumed by the Water If you are willing to increase the option price for the 75 ft. parcel by the prorate of actual cost of constructing the sewer (now estimated at $655), and upon receipt of bill therefor, to pay to the Water Company the prorata of actual cost for the 100 ft. parcel (now estimated to be $875), I will ask for executive authority to proceed with construction of the 8-lnch sanitary sewer line, to which eaeh of the parcels may be connected. This letter is sent to you in duplicate, and if the proposal meets with your approval, please execute both copies in place indicated, returning one copy to me. APPROVED and ACCEPTED, thi s 7th day of May_____ , 1948 f t ? " Co-partners Yours very truly, 1