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I agree.S&-© of scrooge to Clark, CMfcln* and Groat i Lao Vsgsa - July 7, 1948 I 1-1-3-A Mr, 01i&rXes Mease t Bofcrrlag to your letter' July 6th. f! o 780, ®nd oar telephone emmzmttm la oon- recently so ? & to Clari* Ca^bland sad fifeesati Alter; coafcrooco wi th fas Boeelyor M‘ 'tidy and the ?ion#®ar title Insurance Company this afternoon, Mr, Handy oorrooted ibo tax records to .ohAiro credit tf: fiS.ii to osar account and S a» rotumlng herewith oarreotc; hill in the mxmnt of $198.06 for voucher 3rd, paction with payment of tOKO» on the 10 acres Halter E, Bracken