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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 W&mWM, to the following eseeptlen*, is* suibwaw*, reservations and restrictionst 1* All taxed ML4'e«*e*sne&t« levied or assessed agsimst eaid lend subsequent to the year lf4i, W bo paid by the Oreo tee* tore la, nil sot by Grantor* y* Ail water eat eater right* sppurtenant to «i# l*»d are Hereby exoepted from 111® e©&vey*mee end ere reserved by Greater* 2* the fee slssfle title to say sod all eoel, oil end otter sinerels within or underlying said lead, ia* ' tending thereby say sad ell inergs&ie eufeetemees Us» eluding oil sod sotorsi gas) see knows to exist er Hereafter dissevered'upon or beneath the surfsee, Her* Jag aefflelemt value, separated free their sltms as a tart ef the esrth, to be aimed, piped, peeped, $*»r- vied, deg or otherwise reeovwd for their own sake, or their own speeifle uses, Is Hereby exeepted trm this eoaveyanoe aad reserved' by Greater, it beiag the lateaties of the Greator to eemvey surfs*# rights only, abG Greater Hereby reserves tfae perpetual sad t exeluslv* right t® remove say e-js# all a nth aufestemees, tbs earth or other matter eon t aiming same aeeeesary or eoevemisat ia tbs removal thereof i it being undor* steed, However, the* neither See Vsgss toad and. Water Company, nor its swseessors, grantees or assigss, sbsU Have tbs right to ass say ef the surfsee of said laftd sad tbit tbs mls-lag snd removing of said sub* staaoes shall be earrlsd em Im sweh « way aa set te damage the surf*©* ef said lead or to interfere with the see ef the sarfaee-ef eeld land by the Grantee*, their heirs, exseuters, administrator* ©r assigns* 4, dm easement for the flew of the esters ef las Vbgse Greek, along its natural sours# eeress said lead, le hereby reserved by Greater* 5* dm sssensat for the eonstmetien, operation, jseikteaeeee end rapair of a water pipa Mai along a strip of lead twMfcr feet in width, the seater lime of said strip ef lead feeing parallel with ami distaat ten feet easterly from the westerly line of tbs par* eel of lend hereby eonveyed, Is hereby reserved by Gram ter, its stteeeseers ami assigns* 6. this coBveyamee is ends subjset to the fol- lowing easement and lioense ’ heretofore granted fey Greater, to*wit m <m