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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Tegas - A pril 4 , 1944 W 1-1-2 and W 12-1-7 Mr, 9. 0. fish: Referring to your letter March 10, file 511—2, and Mr. Raul eon' e memo March 28 regarding disposition of oabine In, quote( "fhe 6rove#. As indicated in feaeral Chairman Westbrook*s letter March 12, an atteapt was aade to increase the ground rentals from |2,50 per year to #9.00 per month, but this was stopped by the local O.f.A* office who will not permit the new owners to Change the rental rate from that previously in effect when the LfL&W Co. owned the land, I discussed this situation with Mr. Cahlan who repre­sents the purchasers of the land, Clark* iahlaft, and grant* and he advised me that they have no of disturbing the present arrangement in Che of the fact that there ie not sufficient coney in the city s budget to go ahead with the plan of cutting Korth let Street through this fraet. therefore I see no cause for the occu­pants to be disturbed* However, thee* ..bin. »M goi»gUgJEft- to he i»oved to *m .ther location,.*! vjlfc lht, wkn&» the Bent time you are in las fegas 1 t%%w should gst together and pick out a suitable site on Railroad prop­erty to accomodate these eablne* either back of ^he shop yards where the Japanese houses were formerly located or forth of the trailer perk and adjacent to the creek. WM.7ER R. oc; f. C. Paulsen E# Mark she ffel