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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I EL CORTEZ HOTEL ENTERTAINS "T*1 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TUESDAY ? Meeting Place Changed for Present. Dis­cussion of Building Priorities Brings Out Various Views.—Public Utilities Blamed. At the invitation of Mr. Hicks, of Hotel El Cortez, with the co­operation of Mr. and Mrs. Max Van der Bilt of the Van der Bilt cafe, the Las Vegas chamber of commerce members were guests j at the- new hotel for luncheon | Tuesday noon. The luncheon was a pleasant i event, for which the chamber j voted its thanks and apprecia- | tion and decided to hold the meet- I ing next Tuesday noon in the same place. The housing situation was the | main subject of discussion, Mr. j E. A. Clark starting the ball roll- I ing by blaming the water com- | pany and FHA administrator Har­ry Scheeline for the lack of build­ing activity sufficient to meet the needs of rapidly growing Las Vegas, and stated that he is ready I to 'start 50 houses if Mr. Schee- ' line will approve the priorities. j Mr. Scheeline, who was pres­ent, declared that he has not made any hampering restrictions whatever, but that the land plan- | ning division under Mr. Seward ] Mott, at Washington, D. C., fixes i the requirements, and that he ‘Mr. Scheeline, must follow instruc- 5 tions. The regulations as to side- | walks, streets and curbs are not II in my hands, he declared. - President Marion Earl stated that negotiations between the Mc­Neil company and the Southern Nevada Power Company and Las Vegas Land & Water Company are under way and that an agree­ment for extending those facilities to the areas- required by the Mc­Neil housing enterprise will prob­ably be worked out. This conclu- sion .was concurred in by Mr. Fol- ger, representing the water com- pany, and a similar understanding j 'wSs reported with the power'com- | pany by Secretary Griffith, j The motion by E.-A. Clark that fa representative of the chamber i 1 of commerce be sent to Washing­ton to press the matter of priori­ties was passed after some dis­cussion, after it had-been amend­ed so as to be conditional on the requests of the senators and con­gressmen in Washington. Clifford Jones declared in the midst of the discussion that the fault for the proposal to build | -“Magnesium City” probably lay j with ’Las Vegas because of its' lack of sufficient public utilities, j power and water. A, C. Grant ’ concurred in the idea that Las i Vegas should first work out its ; water and power problems be­fore sending any delegation to Washington. o-