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    % Las Vegas Evening Review-Journal Las Vegas, Nevada December 9, 1941 CofC Seeks io Break Priorities on Houses Three plans of action to break (the bottleneck on priorities for an j jextensive housing,program in Las j Vegas, to provide quarters needed ? •for defense workers," were pre­sented at the Las Vegas chamber of commerce meeting today, and < Marion B. Earl, chamber presi-l dent, stated that all three would •be carried into effect. I The. first Was to delegate A. P. G. Steffes, Las Vegas attorney, to ; investigate the situation While he, jis in Washington, D. C., on busi­ness next week. He would be in­structed to determine what action j jean be taken in Las Vegas to clar­ify the situation and lift the lim­itation on priorities to 300 houses. J j The second was suggested by 6 Clifford A. Jones that the city of | Las Vegas, install water and power j lines in areas approved for de­fense housing, that the city con- j tinue to own the facilities and purchase water and power from! the city on a meter basis for resale 1 to the users, and that initial costs of the facilities be amortized j through the .monthly fees. : The third, suggested by Roger Eoley at a Lions club meeting last ; f week, was repeated at the cham- • ber meeting today. It involves the] filing of a complaint by the cham-j ber of commerce and interested j business people against the public [Utilities companies with the pub-, [ lie service commission of the state,1 'requesting an immediate hearing.; j Earl stated that the board of di- I rectors meeting will be held at the chamber office some time tomor­row to outline definite plans.