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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    % Haa ©tgaa Cunning SUttfeut-Ummiiil JUN 2 2 1942 DYSENTERY SOURCE IN LAS VEGAS IS SOUGHT BY MEDICS Clark county physicians are searching today for the cause of a general epidemic of dysentery which has resulted in the death of at least 10 infants, the serious ill­ness of several more and has laid scores of adults low during the last few days. AH regular channels have been exhausted in the search to date without result, and conferences are how being held with special­ists in Los Angeles and Salt Lake in an. 1 effort to .determine the cause and check the spread. Physicians at . the Las Vegas Hospital announced that the ma­ternity ward there had been clos­ed as a precautionary measure af­ter four deaths had occurred. Fatalities were not limited to any One-institution or to any one place in the ^community, it was stated, several babies being stricken in their homes and dy­ing before they could be given medical aid. Parents were urged to consult their f amily physician immediate­ly upon noticing anything, strange in the behavior of their young­sters and not to Wait until they hecome critically ill. “It is a rather serious, situa­tion, but not one to cause great alarm or hysteria,” physicians stated. “We are doing everything possible to bring it under con­trol and expect to be successful.” ? I! u I F <i t< t! h tc n If th< en1 S esi icj c# m ;ofj rq -la • alj m M ?a i ocj H ofj ar . Ja SU; vif ed| or| dsf H; h; 1 a h Sanitary Officer Ordered By City An Officer to police the West- side colored district to enforce sanitary measures was ordered hired today by the city board at | a meeting held this morning. The request for such a patrol­man was made by the health de­partment which characterized the situation in the area as “a dis­tinct menace to the health of Las Vegas.” The health department report­ed that the water supply in the area is polluted and that meas­ures must be taken to clean up the situation.