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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    t Los Angeles, April 7, 1911. Wile 1199 Mr. H, T. Bettis, Vice President end Auditor. Dear Sir: Keplying to your favor of March 29th, file 976, also of larch £4th, rc let ire to laying? sidewalks in front of our Company bocpep at Lea Vegas* You will have had copy of Mr. Tilton’s letter to me April 6th. I do not believe we should Jump in end put down these sidewalks at prerent, end coincide rith t'r. Tiltonfe views that if Lae Vegas Incorporates and nacres an ordinance requiring property owners to aidewitlk in front of their* property that a hip* job of this kind could perhaps he done considerably cheaper than Mr. Tilton’s estimate of 19$jf per so. ft. which mme high. You will note also Mr. flitoh says.he her no send and gravel on hand at present, and that .the walks - could he built tore cheaply’when the rooming house is being constructed; me T think we better let. the ratter rest for the present. Very 1 ruly yours* wV :C- Mr. i I-!. Bancroft C. Tilton m y