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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    L A S V E G A S L A N D A N D W A T E R C O M P A N Y 9. \#aiTTEMO?RE, Ps'ksT., Salt Lakh City, TJtait L BETTIS, V:Joe-Pr est. & Auditor, Los Angelks, Oal. • EC. COMSTOCK, {secretary, Los Angeles, Oal. . H. LEETE, TrkaSu Los Angeles, Oal. Offices • 507 Pacific Electric Building LOS ANGELES, CAL. AND LAS VEGAS, NEV. F*. A. WATERS, Agt., LOS ANGELES, CAL. Los Angeles, July 14, 1909. ffile 1199 Mr. C. 0. Whittemore, President. Dear Sir: The Executive Committee Lave decided in "building houses at Las Yegas to use 50 foot lot for each house, instead of 40 foot lot as first talked of. Under this arrangement Blocks 23 and 26, which were set aside for these houses, will take care of only 32 of them, leaving 8 fifty-foot lots to he selected for the balance of the houses. I think these lots should he as near Blocks 23 and 26 as possible, so as to concentrate the construction. I wish you and Mr. Bettis would get together and with Mr. Bracken’s recommendations decide on the additional lots for these houses, and let the Committee have your recommandations. As construction will he commenced within a short time please give the matter prompt attention. CO- Mr. W. H. Bancroft Mr. H. I. Bettis Mr. W. R. Bracken