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    bps • « i. T 1 comreroial rates on material, the Railroad, will. be. benefitted ©a account of the freight revenue. She Land Company own a great many scattering- lots throughout the towns!to* besides the two solid blocks which I he Have were referred for hetiser. ? I think we eko&M hoi Id on these scattering lots first , potting m two houses or say- thro® lots. I very strongly recemrejid that we start in immediately arc1, erect j»?y 25 concrete block houses, say go or so of 4 rooms load hath, and five of-5 roars rand hath. I hell eve these hc-nses could be Ifjjt -up for £lQb©* or £1X00.- each collate; end we should he able to get without any trouble $£0..oe or : sVfih per month rental* -k’i'ek would insure the Land Company a very good S»t.en»t on their money and also give the railroad erplcycae a very fair and reasonable rental,.at least ©nek hotter thru they could rent from private parties. I also reoomend that after the houses arc completed and any bona fide railroad employees want, to purchase the hoc son on an installment basis of say £50*oo or m pet month that the Land Csraspaay sell the© to such employees. Kindly let rm know if you concur in ry views m above. Tery truly yours* {Bignefir)'?' a nzJLJl'K cc* Kr. c. ii Ir. hittemore, « Bettis* Judge f. :r**i i*, Since dictating the above, tbisk we sketiX® ooxiaicer beside thn concrete block house construction* the plaster and also frrane houses.