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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Z Z pi Ilpp H NUTT* Prest., Los Angeles, Cal. BARRY, Auditor, Los Angeles, Cal. COMSTOCK, Secretary, Los Angeles, Cal. LEETE, Treas., Los Angeles, Cal. La s V egas OFFICES > PACIFIC ELECTRIC BUILDING LOS ANGELES, CAL. AND LAS VEGAS, NEV. La n d a n d w a t e r C ompany F. A. WATERS, AGT., LOS ANGELES, CAL, W. R. BRACKEN, VlCE-PRES. & AGT., LAS VEGAS, NEV. Las Vegas, Nev., July 29, 1919, Mr. J. Ross Clark, President, Las Vegas Land & Water Co., Los A ngeles, Cal. Dear Sir:- Referring to'your letter of June 12th, Pile No. 139-C, with return of agreement in favor of Katharine Mayberry, befe to advise that this property was purchased by Mr. Sanderson, her son-in-law, and he had the agreement drawn up in Mrs. Mayberr3r’s name and signed the same for her, as Mrs. Mayberry is not at present living in Las Vegas. However, as instructed by you, I have had him forward this agreement to her for personal signature, and as soon as received will send agreement to you. Yours very truly, Vice Pres. & A gent.