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Tax bills: Sadie George






This folder is from "Financial Records" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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    man000395. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CITY AND COUNTY WHEN PROPERLY RECEIPTED IN TH E SPACES TO TH E RIGHT HEREROF, THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR COUNTY, MU­NICIPAL, SPECIAL SCHOOL, AND OTHER SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES ON TH E FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN T H E C I T Y , O F L O S A N G E L E S , CALIFORNIA._______________ ______ __________________________________ ANGELENO Eecords c f L. SA5.°* ^GoM* ae-mm L Tj ON SLY L t *E S E ttfU J ! AYE,. C . -BELLE W E'A 7F III) IONIA ST \ TH TH NELY 60 FT TO SLY L I ' T OF L ? FT TO SLY LJf'E BELLE Y0£, AYE' ' TO PT OF 8ES §Ft m~:‘PART OF ' EXEMPTIONS ALLOWED, $ YEAR 1917 LEVY R eturn T his B ill W ith C ounterfoil to be R eceipted VoL Lot Sec; 14 Statm't •BlkT Twp. 73/ Sheets Range West F - 3 Valuation after Deductions) and Exemptions BEFORE PAYING THIS BILLCOMPARETHE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY CAREFULLYTO SEE THAT IT COVERS THE PROPERTY ON WHICH YOU WISH TO PAY. W .O . WELCH C O U N TY TA X COLLECTOR County, Road, School, Library T;) SE | 1 / 1 0 0 F 48 3q/i F 7 4$, A number in space to tbe right refers to an assessment of personal property tax which is a lien on the above described property, and unless paid such REAL PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD for delin­quent personal property taw. Municipal FT | CITY I N C L U D E D lN T O T A L Road Imp. i c . b ' hooi 1.60 1,52 Levee, Light, Water Flood Control 15$> Penalty 596 Penalty Costs Total Tax and Penalties DUE JAN&7t& 1918 5 % ad^eclApril 20^1818. 50c CoSts,®n Each Patel) Added RECEIPT 2 n d INSTALLMENT HERE TO TA L T a x RECEIPT 1 s t INSTALLM ENT HERE aPe^CLT.-I5fh, 1917 _ l^foadded December ,3rd, 1917 5 9 & flW d April 29th, 1918, if unpaid. v jv rg g p §b&B8k m 0*put* S e e In f o r m a t i o n o n B a c k H e r e o f 1st Installment 1596 Penalty 2nd Installment 596 Penalty; Important Information 1. ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY ANf) ONE-HALF OF REALTY TAX BECOME DUE ON THE THIRD MONDAY IN OCTOBER, 1917. FIFTEEN PRR CENT PENALTY is added thereto if unpaid on the FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER, 1917, and 5% additional will be added, if unpaid April 29th, 1918. The remaining one-half of realty tax is due on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1918, FIVE PER CENT PENALTY is added thereto if unpaid on the LAST MONDAY IN APRIL, 1918. FIFTY CENTS COSTS will be added to each parcel separately assessed if unpaid on the THIRD MONDAY IN MAY, 1918. BOTH INSTALLMENTS MAY BE PAID when first payment is made, if desired. 2. TAXES BECOME A LIEN on all taxable property at noon on the first MONDAY in March of each year. 3. TAXES ARE LEVIED OR BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL PROP­ERTY as It exists on the first Monday in March. Subsequent removal or change of ownership does not relieve the lien against real estate of the tax on personal property, and the Tax Collector cannot accept money for real property taxes unites the personal property tax indicated on the tax bill has been paid or is tendered. 4. TAX PAYERS MUST FILE STATEMENT W ITH THE COUNTY ASSESSOR of all taxable property, Real and Personal, owned by them, in their possession or under their control on.the first Monday in March of each year. This statement should be filj£( as soon thereafter as possible, and before the last day of May. M ' • 1 . . • « . 5. EX-SOLDIERS, THESE W IDOW S, ETC.,t are entitled to $1000 deduc­tion from their property Valuations on State and County Municipal taxes, provided the aggregate value of -cuch'properties does not exceed $500Q, and claim for such deduction is made each year at the time of filing property schedule with the Assessor. 6. TAX BILLS WILL. BE MAILED. We have instituted a system of pre­mailing tax bills, so far as such pre-mailing can be economically done. It is prac­ticable to extend this service ONLY TO SUCH TAXPAYERS AS HAVE LISTED TH BIR PROPERTIES W ITH THE COUNTY ASSESSOR FOR THE CURRENT YEAR’S accordance with Paragraph 4 above. This service is a great convenience to the public, and facilitates the work of the tax department. [ 7. SHOULD TAXPAYERS NOT RECEIVE TA X BILLS before October 30th, 1917, on any or all properties upon which they desire to pay taxes, such bills must be obtained' at the County Tax Collector’s office in the usual way, and tax­payers should not further delay procuring them? 8. PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS. Property assessments cannot be located on the Assessment Roll hy house or .street numbers. It is therefore necessary for the tax payer to give a full legal description of the same as it appears in the deed, certificate of title, or previous County tax bill, preferably the latter. 9. CHANGES OF ASSESSMENTS cannot be made by the Tax Collector. If any assessment is incorrect, the matter should be taken up with the County Assessor (Mrf.E. W. Hopkins), i 10. MUNICIPAL TAXES. If the property described herein lies within the limits of an incorporated city, the municipal taxes are. payable to the Tax Collector of such city, unless this bill bears our stamp stating that such municipal taxes are included herein. = 11. Remittances by personal check must include exchange except when drawn on Los Angeles City banks or Los Angeles County banks that do not exact exchange. 12. ALL REMITTANCES ARE AT THE RISK OF THE SENDER. 13. TO AVOID PENALTIES all remittances must be in the County Tax Collector’s office before 6: o’clock P. M. on December 3rd, 1917, and April 29th, 1918. 14. RECEIPTS ARE HELD TEN DAYS after application of the checks, and during rush periods a little longer, to permit verification by our Auditor. 15. TAX RATES are fixed annually by the Board of Supervisors and vary from year to year, being determined by the amounts necessary to operate the county government, schools, and for other special district purposes. 16. PROTECTION DISTRICT TAXES. If property is located within the boundaries of a Protection District, the fact is indicated on this bill by a rubber stamp. Separate tax bills must be obtained from the County Tax Collector for such taxes. 17. ROAD IMPROVEMENT TAXES and LIGHTING DISTRICT TAXES are included in this tax bill when indicated by a rubber stamp. 18. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOE MUNICIPAL PUBLIC W ORK. For information relative to special assessments for municipal public work, write Street Assessment Department, Los Angeles, if the property is located within said city; or to City Clerk ;of Cities other than Los Angeles. 19. THE DELINQUENT TAX LIST IS PUBLISHED on or about the 5th day of June each year in the daily paper which is awarded the contract for the county printing (The Los Angeles Daily Journal). Said publication states the date when the delinquent properties will be sold to the State for the non-payment of taxes (about July 1st) and the amount due. 20. PROPERTY SOLD TO INDIVIDUALS FOR NON-PAYMENT OF TAXES AFTER FIVE YEARS. The above publication will also contain an Addenda list of I properties upon which any portion of the taxes have been delinquent for a period of five years, and which will be sold, at public auction, and C the date of such ’sale (on of about July 1st, 1918), unless the taxes, penalties and costs are paid prior to said time, the place of the sale (the County Tax Collector’s office, Hall of Records, Los Angeles), and the least amount that may be accepted as a bid tHereforl ,.21. T H E AMOUNT NECESSARY Y6'REDEEM. The amount published a ^ h e least amount for which the above mentioned properties may be sold, is not ff tbtal amount necessary to be paid to redeem said properties from such sale. Fot such information write to Mr. W . A. Lewis, County Auditor. ,22. **THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT TAX SALES. A purchaser of property at a tax-sale is required, in addition td the sum paid as the purchase price at said sale, to pay into the county treasury, within thirty days, through the County Auditor, a sum sufficient to redeem said property from all delinquent State and County taxes standing against "said property. In case of failure to make such redemption no deed will issue. '^2 3 :* feT fjE R PROPERTIES MAY BE SOLD. All properties which have been deeded to the State for delinquent taxes may be sold by the County Tax Collector at 'any tiine whan applied! loS^. and, upon authorization of-the State Controller. W . O. WELCH, County Tax Collector. CITY AND COUNTY TAXES WHEN PROPERLY RECEIPTED IN TH E SPACES TO TH E RIGHT HEREROF, THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR COUNTY, MU­NICIPAL, SPECIAL SCHOOL, AND OTHER SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES ON TH E FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN T H E C I T Y O F L O S A N G E L E S , CALIFORNIA. AMrn rjjrs ANGELENO HEIGHTS.P I PEsscrGmr^-B 1of2 L.2 A5 o. Cf Mo. iss. ON £ K IEL , TO 5ELY- LI § K’ FLV LI JS£ A T -SE n ?R P f L I EV.tfF A I jBFtfug V If A /F- • | f .? 3/ m L 0 T 1 4 BiK ; I 'WIA . ST i W i l l EXEMPTIONS ALLOWED, $ YEAR 1917 R e t u r n T h i s B i l l W i t h C o u n t e r f o i l t o b e R e c e i p t e d VoL BIk. Twp. Sheets Valuation after 1 Deductions', a l l and' j Exemptions BEFORE PAYING THIS BILLCOMPARETHE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY CAREFULLYTO SEE TH A TIT COVERS THE PROPERTY ON WHICH YOU WISH TO PAY. W. O. WELCH U C O U N TY TA X COLLECTOR County, Rftad, School, Library Hk Basr A number in space to the right refers to an assessment of personal property tax which is a lien on the above described property, and unless paid such REAL PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD for delin­quent personal property tax. DUE J^ N ^ th , 1918 5<fc added'A'priO ^ 1918. 50c Costs on {Eacrf ; RSrcel Added RECEIPT 2 n d INSTALLMENT HERE Municipal TAX RA Coiinty and S<: C I T Y I N C L U D E D 1 Road Imp. TES hool 1.60 1.52 4 T O T A L Levee, Light, Water Flood Control 15°lo Penalty 5#> Penalty Costs Total Tax and Penalties TO TA L TA X Line No. RECEIPT 1 s t INSTALLM ENT HERE DUE OCT. 15th, 1917 15qfe£8deiJiPecember3rd. 1917 5 % ado?d A p rili? ^fi,T9 1 8 , if unpaid. All P 0 d M )l Property Tax M ust be Paid w *|W i|h This Installment aMa y / W cflUEcisr S E E I N F O R M A T I O N o n B a c k H e r e o f 1st Installment 15 <f> Penally 2nd Installment 5#> Penally I CITY AND COUNTY TAXES WHEN PROPERLY RECEIPTED IN TH E SPACES TO TH E RIGHT HEREROF, THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR COUNTY, MU­NICIPAL, SPECIAL SCHOOL, AND OTHER SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES ON TH E FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN T H E C I T Y O F L O S A N G E L E S , CALIFORNIA. .. rtr. mrv nfinuTo Asper ANGELENO HEIGHTS Bk. ISP. S5of Miso. %6COrds of L% Co, ^ IHA.RLES F KIEL >6$ | ;0 «U S f LOT ON NFLY L I 5 f I ON IA SI C S-E COft'v r©N t A ST| AN D;TfeELLlVU LINE IOWIA ST 5$ f t i H I'-EL W W lb G ! FT f 0 ELY ,U m 87; FTT©PT ' OF 'BEG tETM- PA f i c o p a <np EXEMPTIONS ALLOWED, $ Y E A R 1917 LEVY R e t u r n T h i s B i l l W i t h C o u n t e r f o i l t o b e R e c e i p t e d Vol. n Statm't Blk. Twp. Shaets Range W«st <4 m Valuation after Deductions and Exemptions 164© BEFORE PAYING THIS BILLCOMPARETHE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY CAREFULLYTO SEE THAT IT COVERS THE PROPERTY ON WHICH YOU WISH TO PAY. > C O U N TY TAX COLLECTOR County, Roa<$ School, Library NP ?pMi H w A number in space to the right refers to an assessment of personal property tax which is a lien on the above described property, and unless paid such REAL PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD for delin­quent personal property tax. Municipal Road Imp. Levee, Light, Water Flood Control to 15% Penalty 5 % Penalty Costs Total Tax and Penalties d u e JArT.ihftri9i8 5 % added April 29,1918, 50cCosts on E^ch.,Parcel.Added May 20th, 1918. if Unpaid RECEIPT 2 n d INSTALLMENT . J H E R E ^ ,* t o t a l TAX i a Line No. 12 RECEIPT 1 s t INSTALLM ENT HE! [im , 1917 tXRSXfr .k D w ut S e e In f o r m a t i o n o n B a c k H e r e o f 1st Installment 3 ti 15% Penalty 2nd Installment 5% Penalty CITY AND COUNTY WHEN PROPERLY RECEIPTED IN TH E SPACES T O TH E RIGHT HEREROF, THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR COUNTY, MU-NICIPAL, SPECIAL SCHOOL, AND OTHER SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES ON TH E FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN T H E C I T Y O F L O S A N G E L E S , CALIFORNIA. a u c rin n unruTQ A sperBk. 10 P. e s c f Misc. ANGELENO HEIGHTS Records o f L. A.. Co 5 « O i I ? e .1 IS M T 9N ' fM SLV 20 FT OF EXEMPTIONS ALLOWED, $ Y E A R 1917 R e t u r n T h i s B i l l W i t h C o u n t e r f o i l T y"> r p R e c e i p t e d VoL Lot Sec. Statm’t Blk. Twp. Sheets Range .West Valuation after ; Deductions and .., Exemptions BEFORE PAYING THIS BILLCOMPARETHE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY CAREFULLYTO SEE THAT IT COVERS THE PROPERTY ON WHICH YOU WISH TO PAY. W /O . WELCH '1 7 2 COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR County, Road, School, library 8 W A number in space to the right refers to an assessment of personal property tax which is a lien on the above described property, and unless paid such REAL PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD for delin­quent personal property tax. Municipal O * Road Imp. m Levee, Light, Water Flood Control 15#> Penalty 5 % Penalty Costs Total Tax and Penalties DUE JAN. 7ifvl918 5 °!o added April 29,1918. 50c Costs on Each Partel Added MaygOth, 191S»if tfggaM \ RECEIPT 2 n d INSTALLMENT HERE TO TA L TAX Line No. RECEIPT 1 s t INSTALLM ENT HERE .a U E O C LlS th , 1917 lf?#> added December 3rd, 1917 I I | -nth,_§B18, if unpaid. M Tax Must be Paid ' M l 1 fjoLUCtd* l a OtiiAi S e e In f o r m a t i o n o n B a c k H e r e o f 1st Installment 15<fi Penalty 2nd Installment 5 ?2> Penalty C I T Y A N D COUNTY T A X E S WHEN PROPERLY RECEIPTED IN THE SPACES TO THE RIGHT HEREROF, THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR COUNTY, MU- * NICIPAL, SPECIAL SCHOOL, AND OTHER SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXES ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA R E CEIP T 2 n d IN S TA L L M E N T HER E DUejAN.7t5pl918 5 % added April 2 9 ,1 9 1 8 . 50c Costs on Each Parcel Added / J ^ f P t h , 1918, If Unpaid R E C E IP T l e t IN S T A L L M E N T H E R E W E O C | , 15th, 1 9 1 7 1 3% adaea Decem ber 3rd, 1917 April S Q t h ^ lU S , if unpaid. A u T'e rS e n a lTTo p e n y T a x M ust be Paid With This Installment AMGELENO HEIGHTS A s p e r B k ' 10 R 6Sof M isc- * & ec°rd s o f L . A . C o, __ _ - ..... ..... f - .J. - .. . <sfew- v BEFORE PAYING THIS BILL COMPARE THE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY CAREFULLYTO SEE THAT IT COVERS THE PROPERTY ON WHICH YOU WISH TO PAY. - - I ? S A i& it 't :-iE a A ;i r . '? • i f « N s - 0 Q 2 E K lR S f^ a iO N m 1 LOS A^SELFS VoW Statm’t Sheets Valuation . after D eductions; and ; Exemptions r W . t J . W t t L h C O U N T Y T A X C O L LE C TO R T O T A L T A X Line No. S e e In f o r m a t i o n o n b a c k H e r e o f j Lot Sec. Blk. Twp. Range West County, Rotld, School, Library Municipal Road Imp. Levee, Light, Water Flood Control £• * . ”• . - V. i l l M 4 1st Installm ent 15% Penalty 2nd Installment 5% Penalty ] E X E M P TIO N S A LLO W ED , $ 1 3 v < q * ' CO - * UJ g - r r M • J r o ? -a . • X 5 < * 1 - £ • c .3 — ? M a m ,! i CM i q ? j f s £ P O - - - 2 o •V “ c ° 1— 3 . — :? _l O o < - J S U d - & If •§ >• | » S3 i1t l i r ? :C " 1 Y E A R 1917 ^ LEVY Return T his B ill W ith C ounterfoil to be R eceipted A num ber in space to the right refers to an assessment of personal property tax which is a lien on the above described property, and unless paid such R EAL PRO PER TY W ILL B E S O L D for delin­quent personal property tax. 1 5 % Penalty 5 % Penalty Costs Total T a x and Penalties