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    27 **For your information, the District was approached by the Elstner Realty Company on April 16 with an offer to sell the properties. This offer was withdrawn on April 27 with the advice that a sale had been made to others. Physically there would probably be no difficulty in supplying the subdivision from the District system, since mains are available within a short distance of its boundaries. However, the price at which the present owners would sell the system and the cost of bringing it up to District standards would probably have to be determined before the Board of Directors would determine the feasibility of taking it over. Yours very truly, LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT By W. C. Renshaw Chief Engineer & General Manager" Manager Renshaw explained that since Elstner Realty Company had sold the water system, there had been no indication that the water system would be for sale. A motion was duly made by Director Miller, seconded by Director Thorn, and unanimously approved by the five Directors present, that the Manager advise the Public Service Commission that the water system in question is not for sale at the present time, and before consideration could be given to purchase of it an appraisal would be necessary. KAISER ALUMINUM AMD CHEMICAL CORPORATION Manager Renshaw advised that the Kaiser Aluminum Company had previously requested permission to quote him in connection with an article on the reservoir roof which they were preparing. He has now received a letter from them requesting to use the quotation in advertisements. He requested the opinion of the Board as to the propriety of endorsing a product in advertisements, his own opinion being that it should not be done. Following a brief discussion, a motion was duly made by Director Cornwall, seconded by Director Thorn, and unanimously approved by the five Directors present, that the request from the Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation be denied. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP AMD CONTRIBUTION TO LIVEWIHE FUND The following letter from Attorney McNsmee relative to District membership in the Chamber of Commerce was considered by the Board. "Las Vegas Valley Water District P. 0. Box 1109 Las Vegas, Nevada Attn: Mr. W. Gentlemen: C. Renshaw May 11, 1956 At the meeting of the Board of Directors of May 1, 1956, I was requested to give an opinion as to whether or not Las Vegas Valley Water District could become a member of the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce.