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    1 4 6 Director Gedonce, thought that with the proper personnel in a collection station, there would not be much of a problem. It was pointed out that the District would hove,no control over the personnel, since it would be supplied by the ;buslness house .where .the collection station is located. There were several suggestions made as to methods to be used in order to cut down the delinquent accounts, such as a deposit, monthly charges, e tc. However, it was pointed out that these, methods also involved additional bookkeeping and in some cases required interest payments and there was still no assurance that the account would not become delinquent the last month or two before a customer moved out. It was the general feeling of the Bo cad that .the District would probably not be faced with any more problems involving delinquent accounts than at present, since payments are now mailed in and taken over the counter at the time shut offs are being made. Counsel concurred that the District would probably not be subject to additional liability inasmuch as the Service Rules did not require notice before shut off, the notice presently being given merely as an accommodation to customers. There was a lengthy discussion of the number of collection stations to be set up and the locations of such stations. Since there were a number of suggestions as to the number and locations of the new collections stations, upon the recommendation of Director Ryan, it was agreed.that the Manager be authorized to hcmdle the matter. A (notion was made by Director Gedan.ce, seconded by Director Ryan, a id approved by the seven Directors present, that the Manager be authorized to immediately establish the water b ill collection stations as he sees fit. A D D IT IO N A L WATER SUPPLY A N D M A JO R SYSTEM IM PR O V EM EN TS President Luce noted that the matter of additional water supply and major system improvements had been discussed at previous meetings, but that no decisions hod been reached. He asked if the Board wished to discuss die matter further at this tim e. Manager Renshaw pointed out that there were a few things he would like to mention relative to the urgency of a decision on the subject. He explained that the matter of additional water supply to the Strip arpa already appeared more urgent than it was at the time he wrote his memorandum to the Board. There have been recent inquiries relative to water supply for one new hotel, as well as three subdivisions in the vicin ity of Maryland Parkway south of San Francisco Street. If these prospec­tive .demands materialize, the 16-inch, line on San Francisco Street might be overloaded with an adverse affect cm pressures in the vicin ity of Fifth Street. He felt that consideration should be given to going ahead with a project to bring water part way to the Strip and also to acquire a pump station site on Flamingo Road before all of the property is committed to some other use. In response to a question, the Manager, advised that Flamingo Road appeared to be the most desirable location for the line to the. Strip, since it might prove decenary to augment the supply to the existing Strip feeder, terminating at Flamingo Road, through a pressure reducing valve and maintain .somewhat higher pressures in any new line extending further south along the Strip. |n further reference to his suggestion, the Manager explained that the proposed pump . station site would be somewhere between Paradise Road and Maryland Parkway and that he believed the line could be financed as far as Maryland Parkway from the Revenue Fund in the coming ye ar. He estimated the size of the pumpStation site at approximately two acres to allow for future expansion.