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    2 3 7 M IN U TE S O F A REGULAR M O N T H L Y M E E TIN G O F TH E BOARD O F DIRECTORS O E THE LAS V E G A S V A LLEY WATER D IS TR IC T, HELD IN TH E BOARD R O O M O F TH E DISTRICT O F F IC E , 919 WEST B O N A N Z A R O A D , u C IT Y O F IA S V E G A S , C O U N T Y O F C L A R K , S T A T E O F N E V A D A The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Las Vegas Valley Water District was held in the Board Room of the District O ffic e , 919 West Bonanza Road, Las Vegas, N e vad a. The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Ted Werner at 8:00 p .m ., Tuesday, December 1, 1959. The following Directors were present: Arthur Espinoza Leonard R. Fayle . Maurice M . Gedance Louis C . Pico, Sr. Ted Werner Absent: James G . Ryan Harvey E. Luce Also present: W . C . Renshaw, John McNamee, Ed Phillips and Mary Jean Barazzi A P P R Q V A L O F STA TE M EN T The first business before the Board was consideration of a statement from Ed Philiips dated December 1, 1959 in the amount of $80 covering car expenses for the month of November 1959. A motion was made by Director Espinoza, seconded by Director Pico, and approved by the five Directors present, that the statement from Ed Phillips in the amount of $80 be approved for payment. R E L O C A T IO N O F 2A -IN C H LIN E C H A R LES TO N UNDERPASS Attorney McNamee advised that he had researched the matter of whether the District was obligated to pay for relocation of facilities, but was convinced it would require more study and possibly a court ruling before a final decision could be made. He suggested that the Manager be authorized to proceed and that the Highway Department be advised that the matter of who is to pay for relocation of District facilities w ill have to be determined. He did not know whether or not it could be determined .through negotiations. Manager Renshaw explained that it would be necessary to start the work as soon as possible because it would be difficult to dose the line down after March 1st . He noted that he had the plans and specifications ready for approval by the Board. In response to questions, Manager Renshaw advised that the District would have to pay the contractor and then attempt to get the money back from the State Highway Department. Attorney McNamee felt the District was in a different position from other utilities, in that it was a quasi municipal agency, it does not put the District above a municipality, but, in his opinion, it created a new type of municipality within the state itself.