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T S fn M f ff lw ifi'll'it .~ lV -L '- 7 '',y- " f ; | I ?. | ?? ?, 1 « « OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TH O M A S A . CAMPBELL PRESIDENT SPEv i c E m S FIElD LAS VEGAS VALLEY W ATER DISTRICT W ILLIAM COULTHARD 9 0 0 S O U T H 5 t h S T R E E T SEC'Y-TREAS. HARRY E. MILLER LAS VEGAS, NEVADA E. O T T O UNDERHILL JAM ES CA SH M A N t e l e p h o n e s s a n JO H N BUNCH August 6, I 9$2 P . O . B O X 1 4 4 B IP Y Mr. I . J . Diggory The American Appraisal Cempmy Hotel II Cortex Lot Vegas, Nevada Dear Mr. Diggory: In comp lia is e with your request, the following Is presented by way o f c la rifying tile Intent and purpose of the appraisal now bring made fey your Company for the undersigned o f certain lands owned by the Las Vegas Land and Water Company and/or the Union P acific Railroad Company » It Is desired by the Las Vegas Volley Water District that the Lands proposed to be purchased from the Las Vegas Land and Water Company and the Union Pacific Railroad Company be valued by the American Appraisal Company on die basis and point o f view of ordinary Lands available for the highest and best use In common with and conditional by the general environment, public highways and potentialities for development, without reference to or influence or consideration of the present water development thereon, but giving effect to the availab ility o f water In the ordinary and customary manner as water is obtained on the Lands ad Joining that being valued at this tim e. Very truly yours, LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT by (nomas A , Campbell, i>resi<Ient TACrar c c j Mr. J . W . S . Stanley, District Manager The American Appraisal Company