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I agree.OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS-TH O M A S A . CAMPBELL PRESIDENT SPENCER L. BUTTERFIELD VICE PRESIDENT W ILLIAM COULTHARD SEC'Y-TREAS. HARRY E. MILLER E. O TTO UNDERHILL JAM ES CASHM AN JO H N BUNCH LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 9 0 0 S O U T H 5 T H S T R E E T LAS VEGAS, NEVADA T E L E P H O N E 5 9 2 0 January 31, 1953 P . ? . B O X 1 4 4 8 c o p M r. Franklin T . Hamilton O ’Melveny & Myers 433 South Spring Street Los Angeles, California Dear Frank: Here is an ozalid copy of the latest, and presumably final, draft of the purchase proposal on the Las Vegas Land & Water Company system. As you know, we first submitted a formal written offer on August 25, 1952. The Company wanted certain alterations and an amended proposal was executed October 15th. The Omaha and N ew York legal department of the Railroad Company was not satisfied with the October 15 draft. So this latest instrument, dated January 31, 1953 was finally worked out. N ow we have every reason to believe thtit this w ill be acceptable and that the final contract w ill shortly be put ?n motion. Very truly yours. TA C :a r enc.