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    FORM 3510 4 -5 2 -5 M U N IO N P A C IF IC R A ILR O A D C O M P A N Y Mr. Thomas A. Campbell, President Las Vegas Valley Water District 135 South Fourth Street Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Mr. Campbell: Pursuant to Mr. Hamilton's letter to me of February 26th, his file B-2805, relative to proposed amendment to Section 14 of the outstanding agreement between the Railroads, the Water Company and the Water District: I enclose herewith quadruplicate originals of the amendment in question, executed by Mr. Stoddard as President of the Railroads and the Water Company, together with two stenciled copies of the agreement for your convenience, the stenciled copies not having the execution shown thereon. I also enclose certified copy of Resolution of the Union Pacific Railroad Company authorizing the execution and delivery of this agreement by the President and Assistant Secretary, and certified copy of Resolution of the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company to the same effect. At the next meeting of the Las Vegas Land & Water Company we will arrange for passage of a Resolution approving the execution of this supplement by Mr. Stoddard as President and Mr. Bachman as Assistant Secretary of the Water Company, The enclosed agreements are identified as LA&SLRRCO. ORIGINAL, UPRRCO. ORIGINAL, etc. I would appreciate if you would arrange for the proper execution of this Supplement by the Las Vegas Valley Water District, and return the LA&SLRRCO. original and UPRRCO. original, and LVL&WCO. original to me duly executed, retaining the Water District original for your file. L AW D E P A R T M E N T E . E . B E N N E T T GENERAL SOLICITOR E D W A R D C . R E N W IC K ASSISTANT GENERAL SOLICITOR 422 W EST S IX T H S T R EET L O S A N G E L E S 14, C A L I F O R N I A M A L C O L M D A V IS GENERAL ATTORNEY Mar U 9 n M ^ March 25, 195^ 80-11 ROBERT C . CARLSON-J A C K W . C R U M L E Y , ASSISTANT GENERAL ATTORNEY REGISTERED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED