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    C o n w a y , M o e , H i b b s & f u n s t o n M E M B E R S A M E R IC A N I N S T I T U T E O F A C C O U N T A N T S N E L S O N C O N W A Y , C .P.A . C E R T IF IE D P U B L IC A C C O U N T A N T S 4 4 0 H O O V E R S T R E E T L A S V E G A S , N E V A D A K E R M IT M OE, C .P .A . C L A R E N C E T . H IB B S , C .P .A . T E L E P H O N E 7 0 2 0 R. Y O R K F U N S T O N , C .P .A . June 3, 1954 Mr. Franklin T. Hamilton O'Melvany & Myers Attorneys at Law 433 South Spring Street Los Angeles, California Dear Sir: We have received a copy of Mr. Bennett's letter to you of May 26, 1954, with regard to the computation of adjusted price as of April 30, 1954* Our report covering our examination of this computation is now in pro­cess, and will be ready for transmittal to the District by the first of next week. However, we wish to note that there vd.ll be a variance of approximately $18,500.00 in the adjusted purchase price as between our report and that sub­mitted by the Auditors for the sellers. We suggest that the final escrow in­structions be held in abeyance until this matter is resolved. A detailed report will^follow. Yours very truly, CONWAY, MOE, HIBBS & FUNSTON cc: Mr. Thomas A. Campbell President, Las Vegas Valley Water District NC/t