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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LOS ANGELES AND S A L T LAKE RAILROAD CO, Valuation of Collection and Transmission Facilities (as of December 31* 1950) * © 3CShO CD 0o ©8 * a ©1 H -P 1s Reproduction ? ? ? ..:.C? m.W K M ITEM 4•*H +3 H,o *ri JSh © A 0) CD l « J 3 New Less Deprec „ ! Settling Basin No. 3 15»-6” x 81®-6" Reinforced Con­crete bottom* walls and roof* complete with spillway and flushing drain Excavation - earth 96 CY 50 3 47 2 0 192 0 180 Excavation = rock 198 CY ft $9 tt n 1,600 1,504 Concrete 94 CY It n ft It 1,880 1,767 | Concrete fill 29 CY II It ft it 435 409 Forms 4510 SF I It it ft 3,605 3,389 | Reinforced steel 9400 § II ft ft tt 940 884 12” W„I„ perf0 Clean Out 74 LF » tt ft ft 1,374 1,292 12” Gate Valve* BE 2 Ea n ft n It 528 496 12" W.I. Drain 37 LF it ft It tt 297 279 Vents ' 2 Ea it ft tt tt 100 94 Total For Settling Basin No0 3 0 10,951 I 10,294 = 33=