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    Tie condemned himself again and again as an unutter­able idiot. How long must the shadow of an ill-judged, mistaken action darken his life? His thoughts flew back over the past five years. Memory gathered up the scat­tered links til) all the details of that hour of anguish and the days following, rushed vividly before him. He re­called as distinctly as though it were yesterday his ar­rival in this rapidly-growing western city. Of the hard­ships and various disappointments which come to every man who takes up the legal profession, he had had his ehpre, and had faced them all bravely. He smiled bit­terly, as he recalled Jack's parting words, “the brilliant, gifted Frank Lorimer.” Well, it might be true, but for *11 that the weary months and years had been wasted. washxxerox. April 22.—Letters ex Autumn Fragrance I pressing the profound sorrow of Presi­dent Wilson and Secretary Daniels at the death of the four sailors and ma­rines at Vera Cruz yesterday wercr dis­patched today by the Secretary of the Navy to the parents of the men. The letters were addressed to William Poinsett of Philadelphia, Mrs. McKinnon of Brooklyn, mother of Coxswain Schu­macher; Mayer Marten of Chicago and Michael Haggerty of Cambridge, Mass. ire dying for want of circulating dioou m tu< ses are turning gray and .brown; no more <3 se them gijeen* glossy and to wave in the sumn death of the grasses and forest leaves send harm of which is unspeakably sweet. In tb ‘ields this fragrance brings again to those wl _i n«*mniia the iovous barefoot days son? managinTdi^ector ft rowhead Springs resort J J he f r ' a e1IISs~ dili & i P & blosso^ming*1 w ild ° ffow ers^ 'a n ef^ h e m ountains are heavily snow ? M any residents o f L os Ansrele« quentSU,rrri°osn? in8A t0wna m ^ e gfr e - for resl i ^ a t 0 , Arrowhead Springe go eolelv for fueature w h» e others frlivveedd ffrroomm t*Khteh e cbuernaetfiivte to mboi nd^ei- I fragrance tne lands and the former forest long ago. The swiftly flying crow is noisier ’ toxkatei with the ozone of life in *weet sorhw she had the cares and responsibilities of a househol eggs—while now with many noisy calls and scoldings s e i how to lookout for themselves. .. . . The last of the flowers are flinging their bcmmfal bo golden autumn son while they dare "Jack Frost j o do hi all the nooks and crevices of the floating breezes of the daj the fr a g r a n c e ot their sweet unsullied breathings The rani km vine and the yellowing cornfield mix their w M P morning glories and the yellow aster. Delightful autumn Mr. Daniels wrote to each This morning’s dispatches Orus conveying the dfstrec iaat your son was in the fJ give his life for his count] all America as the tragedy hi Into your home. My feeling aad the feel] President to you In this sad expressed by President L!n< on November 21, 18(4, he Mrs. Blxby of Boston, wh 081 gave their lives fighting American flag: *T feel how weak and fru be any words of mine wh attempt to beguile you from overwhelming. But I cans from tendering tp you the < that may be found in the tha Republic they died to save. J OUr Heavenlv PiLthpr mav a Belle Brittain ? - m : Im W-