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The Wheel of Rotary Las Vegas Rotary Club newsletter, April 6, 1950 with handwriting







Newsletter issued by the Las Vegas Rotary Club

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    man000111. Fayle Family Papers, 1895-1998. MS-00404. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF U S VEGAS, HIV ADA ROTARY CLUB c t / y & f / i , ^ c & J U ^ - INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS President—Percy Hodgson Eck Hiestand, Governor District No. 160 3636 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, 5, Calif. LAS VEGAS ROTARY CLUB Club No. 1401 Chartered April 5, 1923 Membership July '49—97 OFFICERS President—Leonard Fayle Secretary—Allye Lawson Treasurer—Harry Allen Directors John Beville Carl Hyde Paul McDermott Jim Shaver Rotary "Wheel" Staff "Pop" Squires, Editor Jim Shaver, Bob Gatewood, John Beville, Reporters MAKEUP Boulder City, Nevada Wednesday, 12:15 PT Caliente, Nevada Friday, 12:15 MT Tonopah, Nevada Tuesday, 12:15 PT St. George, Utah Monday, 12:15 MT Kingman, Arizona Wednesday, 12:15 PT Barstow, California Wednesday, 6:30 PT Needles, California Tuesday, 12:15 PT FACTS ABOUT OUR TOWN Elevation, 2,033. Founded 1905. Population, 25,000, of trading area 50,000. Situated on U. S. Highways 91, 93, 95, 466. Serviced b y - Union Pacific R.R. Greyhound, Burlington and Las Vegas-Tonopah & Reno Stage Lines, also Sun Valley (Phoenix) Bus Line. And Bonanza, United, Trans World Airlines and Western Air Lines. Hub of West's Most Scenic Country, Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion Parks, Death Valley, Boulder Dam and Lake Mead, Mt. Charleston, Valley of Fire. Page 2 WHEEL OF ROTARY APRIL 6, 1950 TODAY'S PROGRAM Today the Kiwanis and. Rotary Clubs will meet together to commemorate the Easter in a fitting manner. Monsignor John J . Lanbe will deliver the Easter sermon, as he always does so well. The Sullivan Sisters, Louise and Minnie, have kindly consented to provide some music for us today as the occasion permits. Las Vegas Hotary Club is under obligations to The Sullivan Sisters for the delightful music they have given us on many occasions. Paul Hammel, President of Kiwanis and Leonard Fayle, president of Rotary, will divide the re-sponsibility of conducting proceedings today— without - too much friction, we hope. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * • * * ROTARY IAS SEEK Last week Ray Germain gave the Rotary Club a craft talk — of course, the printing business. His discourse was so good that several members of the Rotary Club are plan-ning to sell their present businesses and open printing offices in the near f u t u r e . . . . Thanks Ray! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DISTRICT CONFERENCE Rotary District Conference will be held May 24, 25 and 26, at the Huntington Hotel, Pasadena.... The Convention »f Rotary International will be held in Detroit in June. This year, only Club Presidents are expected to attend. NEWS FOR KIT&NIANS Editor Tom Taney announces that the Kiwanis Board of Directors at its meeting Wednesday passed a re-solution asking the Board of Las Vegas City Commissioners to retain the maintenance and control of the Wildcat Lair, about which there lias been some controversy recently. *** Kiwanis President Paul Hammel and Vice-President Wendell Bunker will represent Las Vegas Kiwanis Club at the Convention of Kiwanis International to be held in Miami, Florida, in May. * * * ON THE SICK LIST Tom Taney reports that Wendell Bunker, Vice-President of Lag Vegas Kiwanis Club, has been on tho sick L ^ n s ^ J ^ i d l y imprjj '2 - - i b r k l ^ -J- J!W ^ J WHEEL OF G R E E T I N G S The Wheel of Rotary, in "behalf of Las Vegas Rotary Club, extends its greetings to Las Vegas Kiwanians and voices the pleasure we feel each time we have one of these joint meetings. The practice was "begun several years ago, and we hope that the Kiwan-ians get the same pleasure out of the association that Rotarians do. BABY ROTARIANS John McManus (classification— "Title Service") and Jerry Lott ("Air-line Traffic") attended the last meet-ing of the Rotary Board of Directors, to get acquainted and to learn some-thing of how Rotary "business is tran-sacted. Welcome and Congratulations to Jerry and Maci * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 01® HUNDRED PER CENT At last we have had a 10Qo attend-ance meeting of Las Vegas Rotary Club (if Dail Phelps made up). The query comes, ""When are we to receive those cigars and stuff President Leonard was offering when he didn't think we could do i t : " Last month—March—we did not do so badly.' Our percentage of attend-ance figured out 94,62^. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PRIMARY ELECTION Last week Las Vegas Rotary Club held its Primary Election, with the object of nominating fourteen candi-dates from whom to elect seven Direc-j X ^ o r s to serve for tjqie Rotacy year te~ ROTARY Page 3 ginning next July 1 s t . . . . Due to a tie, we will next week have to select seven directors out of the following who were the nominees: ALLEN, BEVILLE, CONVERSE, FAYLE, DRAVES, EDWARDS, "SCOOP" GARSIDE, GERMAIN, HYDE, JOHNSON, KELCH, ALLYE LAWSON, LEE, McDERMOTT, RONZONE, SHAVER and WILLIS. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VISITING ROTARIANS We acknowledge with pleasure the presence of the following visiting Rotarians at our meeting last week: DeWITT TRACHT, W. E. BAKER, E. G. NIELSEN and MORT WAGNER (All of Boulder City) DON IRTISH" Wm. FLAHERTY CHARLES ROSS GEO. LINDHOLM W. W. ELMORE HERMAN MICHELS Minneapolis, Minn, Reno, Nevada Riverside, Cal. Salt Lake City Jackson, Wyo. Oakland, Cal. MAJ. SWEENEY Reno, Nevada We hope you will come again soon, fellows. You will always find a warm welcome. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RONNOW CLUB MEMBER The Cashnan's have joined the "Ronnow Club" with pickets, animal show and everything, we are "told, all at one time. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING LESSONS — "Doc" Gatewood, after going out to Indian Springs to see the Air Force Gunnery Compe-tition, now thinks he can outshoot that gret hunter, Bob Russell. Well, both are pretty quick on the drawl £as 'Vecjas ^Rotary Club Roster Adcock, Oren King "O.K." '23 C If F R A T E R N A L ORGANIZATIONS R-176 B-207 Allen. Hardy " F e l i x " >47 MEN'S FURNISHINGS. R E T A I L R-3960 Allen. Harry "Harry" MS ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER Additional Active li-941 B-4178 Rartlett, Byron Edwin "Bud" '<5 HARDWARE, R E T A I L R-2344 B-44 Bevllle, John M. "Johnny" *4« OFFICE EQUIPMENT, RETAILING P..195 B-644 Black man. Alfred W. " T e x " '33 ACCOUNTING SERVICE R-500J B-500 Blonde, R. A. "Bob" '47 R R. PASSENGER AOENT 11-2475 It-1120 Bolce. John C. "John" '41 SENIOR ACTIVE 11-2793 Boman, George "George" '49 FEED & GRAIN DISTRIBUTING Additional Active R-377J H-2800 Borsavk. Edward W. "Ed" '40 RADIO EQUIPMENT. RETAILING lt-928 B-391 Ifrandt. Ted H. "Ted" '48 DRUGS, R E T A I L Additional Active i : - 4 i ; ; H - m i lirinley, J. Harold "JHB" '47 FUNERAL DIRECTOR 11-152 B-64 Brown, 11 Mahlon "Mahlon" '39 RENT I NO, PROPRIETARY R-249 B-3380 Bunker, Bryan Lamond "Bryan" '34 ORTHODOX MOKMONISM R-480 B-63 traillan, Albert Edmond " A l " '26 NEWSPAPER EDITING K-280 B-796 Campbell, Thomas A. "Tom" '41 REAL ESTATE AGENCY 11-4022 B-1750 Cushman, James "Jim" '23 CM AUTOMOBILE RETAILING It- 81 B-116 Cherry, Jack C. "Doc" '42 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE R-1781 B-4'JIO Ciliax, Edgar D. "Ed" '41 RESTAURANTS R-17 B- 109'J Clough, Richard H. "Dick" '43 BUILDING MANAGEMENT R-798 Converse. Edmund C. "Ed" '47 AIRLINES OPERATING R-2 8 4 3 B-3100 Craein, Ernest XV "Ernie" '23 MOTION PICTURE THEATRES Crowe, Charles G, "Jerry" '40 ! K » „ H E t ™ SUPPLIES R-907 B-604 Draves, Jerry "Jerry" '49 V A R I E T Y STORES B-4411 Marion B. "Marlon" '52 C I V I L L AW PRACTICE R-574 B-357 EdwarJs, Leslie W. "Lea" '42 HOSPITAL M VNAGEMENT R-1963M B- 20 Fayle, Leonard R. "Len" *42 BREAD BAKING, WHOLESALE li-1922 B-1890 Perron, Win. E " B i l l " '23 C M DRUGS, RETAILING R-3412 B-14 41 Flippin, Roy "Roy" '48 TRADE ASSOCIATIONS B-3802 Folger. A. M. " A l " '41 W A T F R SERVICE R-24S3 B-30 Garside, Frank F. "Frank" '38 PAST SERVICE R-373 B-72 Garside Sherwln F. "Scoop" '47 PRINTING R-3508 B-6 Lawson, Sam J. "Sam" '23 C.M ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER SERVICE R-93 Lawson. Allye " A l l y e " '33 TELEPHONE SERVICE R-1133 B-945 Lee. Hlllman R "Hlllman" '40 DRY GOODS RETAILING R-4186M B-4562 Leonard, Clifford C. " C l i f f " '38 DRY CLEANING R-1323 B-33 Lovett. Frederick C. "Crosby" '4 3 PROTESTANTISM B-2432 R-2432 Luce, Harvey E. "Harv" '36 ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES RETAILING R-1973 B-353 Gatewood, Robert Harvey DENTISTRY R-1526 B-1404 Graven. Dwlght H. "Dwight" '47 SECURITY BROKERAGE P.-3523 B-323! Grindell, L. N. "Crlndy" '42 LIME MANUFACTURING Sloan, Nevada Grant. A, C. "Arch" '30 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE R-114 B-4T.00 fiusewelle, Frank "Frank" '24 REFINED OIL PRODUCTS RETAILING R-54 U-142 Hardy. S. I. -Stan" '41 OBSTETRICI \.V R-118 B-20 C c o r s e Earley "Earley" '48 PUBLIC EDUCATION Additional Active R-1273 B-1626 llumington, David E. "Dave" '44 INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE B-1567 Houssels, .1. Kell " K e l l " '41 CAPITAL INVESTMENTS R-694 B-28 Hunsaker, Walter " W a l t " "41 LAND DEVELOPMENT It-1008 B-2180 Huntington, C H. " C l i f f " '45 WOMEN CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR II - 31 35 B-1758 Hyde. Carl "Carl" '43 CUT^STONE DISTRIBUTING Irwin. James E. "Jim" '48 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR R-4087 B-l 50 Johnson. Walter D. "Bus" '46 PUBLIC EDUCATION R-4083 B-1626 Kelch, Maxwell "Max" '4» BROADCASTING STATION SERVICE R-1102 B-1100 Kurtz, Samuel B "Sam" '48 L I F E INSURANCE R-3531 B-3274 l-ambe. Father J. J '38 ORTHODOX CATHOLICISM Lucey, Lawrence " L a r r y " '48 TRUST BANKING •Bob" '43 R-1213 B-l Mason, Jon R. "Ran" '43 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE DETAILING R-3782 B-2000 McDanlel. J. R. "J.R." '3g PHYSICIAN R-910 B-20 McDermott. Paul D. "Paul" '4C IN'SJR »NCE. CASUALTY R-4289M B-114 McNamee. Leo A. " L e o " '27 GENERAL L AW PRACTICE R-308 B-1888 McNamee. Michael L "Mike" '48 A IR CONDITIONING R-308J B-106 Mi-Oullkln. J. R. "Joe" '49 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE R-2062M B-3366 Mikullch. Sebastlon F. " M l k " '43 BUS SERVICE R-2430 B-230 Miller. Harry E. " H a r r y " '44 PAST SERVICE R-495 Moore. Jr.. William J. "Bill" '43 RIOSORT HOTELS II—1800 Moore. R. Julian "Julian" '48 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION R-4027-M B-Henderson 131 Murphy. John M. "Murph" '48 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION R-3706M B-1900 O'Donnell. Fred L. "Fred" '32 CREAMERY PRODUCTS R-1108 B-1545 Phelps, W D. "Dall" '49 PUMP EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTING R-1207 B-l 828 Piercc. Charles Wood "Woody" '47 ELECTRICAL MERCHANDISE WHOLESALE R-142 B-3171 Rafael. Andrew J. "Andy" '37 GOVERNMENT INSPECTION SERVICE R-368 Riddle. Alfred L. " A l " '41 SIGHTSEEING SERVICE B-t R-4 Ronnow. F Lorln "Lorln" '43 FEED & GRAIN DISTRIBUTING R-517 B-2800 Ron2one, Richard "Dick" '48 LADIES" READY-TO-WEAR R-4408-W B-3262 Russell, Raymond Robert "Colonel" '32 MOTELS R-3846 B-1002 Ruymann, William O. " B i l l " '45 DIVORCE L AW PRACTICE R-906 B-150 Shaver. Arthur J. "Jim" '14 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING rt-769 B-1033 Stadelman, Richard R "Dick" '45 ARCHITECTURE R-3544J B-250 Sutherland. Charles E. "Sully" '47 BANKING R-1070M B-4780 Sweeney. Minor Major "MaJ" '38 T I T L E INSURANCE R-2776 B-l776 Sylvester. Wilber Walter "Svl" '45 CHIROPODIST B-1850 R-1850 Tibertl, Jellndo A. "Jel" '41 GENERAL CONTRACTING R-2030-W B-1698 Tinsley, K. L D. "Tim" '40 GROCERIES, RETAIL R-3817 Underbill, Edward Otto "Otto" '26 CARBONATED BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTING R-638 B-l720 Von T.'.bel, Jake E. "Jake" '37 LUMBER RETAILING R-1184M B-47 Wengert, c. s. "Cy" '23 C M. SENIOR ACTIVE R-102 P.-999 Willis, Vernon B. "Vern" '46 A I R L I N E TRAFFIC R-3833 B-3206 Wlllstead. Robert J. "Bob" '43 LAUNDRIES P.-1S10 B- 4 2 Wilson. .1. W. "Weary" '29 REFINED OIL PRODUCTS. WHOLESALE It-126 B-229 Wollenzlen, J. C "Jack" '42 MEAT RETAILING B-25 Wood, A. J. "Jack" '42 DUDE RANCHING R-3277W B-3530 Woodbury, C. W. "Clare" '35 SUhGEON R-350 B-20 HONORARY Corradettl, Al R-689 Douglass, Dr. Lloyd C. Pike, W. H. " B i l l " CM. Squires. C. P. "Pop" R-8546 Bracken, Walter P. " W i l t " C.M. R- 48