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The Wheel of Rotary Las Vegas Rotary Club newsletter, March 16, 1950







Newsletter issued by the Las Vegas Rotary Club

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    man000109. Fayle Family Papers, 1895-1998. MS-00404. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    o f H C A t of m / f c ^ ^ N f ^ M R O M t ? y ctua tNTERNAHONAL OFFtCERS President—Percy Hodgson Eck Hiestand, Governor District No. 160 3636 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, 5, Calif. LAS VEGAS ROTARY CLUS Club No. 1401 Chartered April 5, 1923 Membership July '49—94 OFFtCERS President—Leonard Fayle Secretary—Allye Lawson Treasurer—Harry Allen Directors John Beville Carl Hyde Paul McDermott Jim Shaver John Beville Rotary "Whee!" Staff "Pop" Squires, Editor Jim Shaver, Bob Gatewood, Reporters MAKEUP Boulder City, Nevada Wednesday, 12:15 PT Caliente, Nevada Friday, 12:15 Ml Tonopah, Nevada Tuesday, 12:15 PT St. George, Utah Monday, 12:15 MT Kingman, Arizona Wednesday, 12:15 PT Barstow, California Wednesday, 6:30 PT Needles, California Tuesday, 12:15 PT FACTS ABOUT OUR TOWN Elevation, 2,038. Founded 1905. Population, 25,000, of trading area 45,000. Situated on U. S. Highways 91 and 95. Serviced by- Union Pacific R.R. Greyhound, Burlington and Las Vegas-Tonopah & Reno Stage Lines, also Sun Valley (Phoenix) Bus Line. And Bonanza, United, Trans World Airlines and Western Air Lines. Hub of West's Most Scenic Country, Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion Parks, Death Valley, Boulder Dam and Lake Mead, Mt. Charleston, Valley of Fire. Page 2 WHEEL OF ROTARY MARCH 16, 1950 TODAY'S SPEAKER Las Vegas Rotarians, especially the older members, are looking for-ward eagerly to seeing Past-Presi-dent of Rotary International, Almon E . Roth, whom some of us knew well when he was Governor of the grand old Second District of Rotary, some-thing like twenty years ago. Al's subject will be, "Modem Trends in Industrial Organization." A1 came down in Ed Converse's Bonanza Air*l*in*es* l*as*t * evening. NEXT WEEK Our speaker next week will be Dr. Barker, who first spoke to our Club almost twenty-five years ago. A H the old-timers are looking for-ward with pleasure to his coming. * * * * * * * * * * LAST WEEK We enjoyed a very delightful program last week when George Bow-man, Chairman of Boys' Affairs, in-troduced Executive Director Bernice Warner, Clark County Girl Scouts. She, in turn, introduced three very charming girls as competitors in presenting papers on the subject, "International Friendship Begins at Home." * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONGRATULATIONS Our good friend (and our last Thanksgiving Day speaker), Chaplain Major William Taylor, Jr., is now Lt. Col. Taylor. Wo are sure you well deserved this promotion, Lt. Col. Taylor. COMMUNITY CHEST Whenever a tough job pops up in Las Vegas, there you will find members of the Rotary Club taking the lead.... The Community Chest has among its officers and directors for 1950, among others, the following Rotarians: HARRY ALLEN, JOHN SEVILLE, BRYAN BUNKER, JAMES C.ASHMAN, JR., H. C. DRAVES, "SCOOP" GARSIDE, REV. ER.JOHN J . LAMBE, ALLYE LAHSON, HILLMAN LEE, MIKE McNAMEE, VERN WILLIS and CYRIL WENGERT -- which is very good assurance that the job will be done properly and promptly. * * * * * * * * * * * TO NEEDLES SATURDAY Don't forgetJ Saturday night, March 18th, the Needles annual Inter-City meeting begins at Needles at 6:30 We strongly recommend that every Las Vegas Rotarian who possibly can do so, join in this annual treck to Needles. Those of you who have not attended one of these Tri-State meetings have a new treat coming to you. Needles Rotarians are a most hospitable bunch and they always treat us royally! * * * * * * * * * * GENIAL VISITOR Ping Fairly, that genial, frequent visitor to Las Vegas, helped your com-mittee prepare The Wheel at Club Bingo yesterday. He tried to pay the check but Doc Gatewood, whose turn it was, beat him to it. Pi^g, you are welcome any time. In-any of you baseball fans WHEEL OF ROTARY Page 3 B o u 1 "DAD" BRINKSR PERRY SMITH R. P. CARDON TOM McMURRY remember when Ping played with the "Ange*ls*" * i*n *th*e *Pa*ci*fi*c * C*oa*st* League? VISITING ROTARUU^S The following Rotarians, members of other Clubs, were welcomed to our last week's meeting: LeGRANDE SMITH Rexburg, Idaho CLAYTON STERLIirG Seaside Park, N.J. ] JACKHIGGINS, DON BELDING, W.E. BAKER d e r C i t y East Liberty, Pa. Logan, Utah Logan, Utah Gravenhur s t, Ont. LLOYD BUTTS, Avalon, Calif. FRED PET-KIN, Kirkland, Wash. ALONZO DELKIN, Arcadia, Cal. ED ARCHBALD, Albion, N* Y. ! We were glad to have you with us, Fellows. President Leonard in-vites you to come again,! soon! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) FROM COPENHAGEN Secretary Allye Lav/son has received from Jorgen Carl, Chairman Interna-tional Service Committee, Stockholms-gade 55, Copenhagen, Denmark, a very interesting letter, accompanied by a roster of the Club members and a pam-phlet descriptive of each of the eight clubs in the Copenhagen District. The letter says, in part: Thank you very much for the most interesting samples of your weekly bulletin, "The Wheel of Rotary", which were sent to Chr. Jacobsen, Hon. Secre-tary of the Caterbro Rotary Club, to- ^ - ^ e t h e r with a tourist folde^ and a most interesting group portrait of the officers of your club. Chr. Jacobsen has asked me, as Chairman of the International Serv-ice Committee, to write on behalf of our home club, and in doing so I am trying to fulfil part of the duties of the International Serv-ice Committee, namely, contacting clubs abroad. As I want to give you some facts about our club and the other clubs within the Greater Copenhagen area, I am enclosing a pamphlet, to the information in which I beg to add that a new Club has been organized inside the area, the Valby-Vesterbro Rotary Club, meeting every Monday at 12:00 noon at Restaurant Zoo, Roskildevej 34, and the meeting for the Copenhagen Club is now "Hotel d'Angleterre", every Wednesday at 12:00 noon. With regard to my own Club I can tell you that from a starting number of 17, we have now worked our way up so that on February 1st we were 28, and I am enclosing a list showing the names and classi-fications of our members. About the history of Copen-hagen I will shortly mention a very few facts, just to give you an idea about the place. Copen-hagen, the capital of Denmark, was founded about A.D. 1167 by a Dan-ish Bishop called Absalon, who built a castle on a little island just east of the island of Sjal-land (Zealand), separated from this island by a narrow stretch of water. Around this castle grew a village which was mostly inhabited -over- by fishermen, later by merchants con-nected with the trading in salt fish for the markets South of the Baltic Sea. The toiTn received its charter in 1254 and more commerce concentrated here. In 1416 Copenhagen was made Capital of the country. The Copen-hagen University was founded by King Kristiern the First in 1479. The town itself was surrounded by walls and a ditch, remnants of which are still to be seen. Nowadays they form part of a belt of parks around the old City of Copenhagen where is still concentrated the larger part of the major trade of the city. All the leading banks, the Royal Exchange and the bulk of the shipping firms have their offices inside the old walls. In the latter half of the 19th Cen-tury the town started expanding out-side the walls and the town is now inhabited by about a million people. Its industries cover most of the m o d e m life and is to a large extent spread over the whole area with many small plants in all parts of the town. Osterbro means "the Eastern Bridge" namely, over the ditch round the old city, and covers the postal district '0'. Within its boundaries are, be-side busy industrial centers and resi-dential areas, also the Free Harbour of Copenhagen and the famous seaside promenade known as 'Langelinie', where is the site of the statute of the "Little Mermaid" known from Hans Anderson's Fairy Tales and shown on our letterhead. Should you or any of your fellow Rotarians from Las Vegas happen to come to Copenhagen we should be only too glad to welcome you in our club. (Ten or fifteen years ago I met a man from Copenhagen, whose name was Ford. He installed the dicsel power plants in the great Japanese liner, Ohichibu Maru, and her sister ship, and told me that Copenhagen was the world leader in the manu-facture of great Diesel power plants. —Ed.)