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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes Index 2, 1911-1960: documents, item 838


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    Sniders, B.W. Journeyman - appointed to Plumbers Examining Board - 1/16/1952 So. Nevada Power Company - Notification of violation of permit by failure to furnish power for space heating purpose - 1/16/1952 Special Meeting called by His Honor - Consideration of Police affairs - 1/18/1952 Special Meeting called by His Honor - Gaming & liquor applications Service & Material Warrants - 1/22/1952 Special Meeting called by His Honor - Service & Material Warrants Payroll Warrants - 2/1/1952 South 5th Street Improvement [not legible] [not legible] appears to present petition - Board will oppose installation of island from Paradise Valley Road to Oakey Blvd. - 2/6/1952 South addition Lot 13. Bl. 14 allowed to construct [not legible] Building - Zone variance granted Patton Resolution # 253 adopted - 2/6/1952 South 5th 1400 - at request of W. [not legible] Loading zone requirements waived - 2/6/1952 Smith; A.R. and Mabel R/W Deed accepted by City for Truck Route - Resolution # 259 adopted - 2/6/1952 Smoking in Theaters Proposed Ordinance - Read & Referred to Committee - 2/6/1952 Solicitors & Canvassers Proposed Ordinance to amend parts of Ordinance # 369 - Read by title & referred to Committees - 2/6/1952 Square Deal Loan [not legible] - Pawnshop application Renewal approved - 2/6/1952 Spic & Span - Granted gaming application (additional) 1st addition - 2/6/1952 [not legible] Lee: City attorney’s Opinion sent to - Limitation of numbers of taxicabs on streets - 2/20/1952 South 5th Street Lighting assessment District # 100-11 - Resolution # 261 adopted to amend Resolution # 238 - 2/20/1952 Solicitors & Canvassers - additional time requested on Proposed Ordinance - 2/20/1952 Smoking Proposed Ordinance - additional time requested - 2/20/1952 South 5th Street Improvement - Islands to be installed discussed by Boyers, Wright - 2/20/1952 Special Meeting - Partial payment on assessment District # 100-6 to Murphy Construction - 2/21/1952 South 5th Street Lighting - amended agreement with Street Highway Department approved - 2/27/1952 Southern Nevada. Power Company Request for Easement across city property on L.A. Highway - Referred to City Manager - 3/5/1952 Solicitors Ordinance Proposed Ordinance to amend - additional time requested - 3/5/1952 Smoking in Theaters - Ordinance # 481 adopted - 3/5/1952 Special Meeting Called by His Honor - Public Hearing on Cab Rates: Engineering on assessment District & Liquor application - 3/11/1952 South addition Rezoning of Lots 13-22 Bl. 147 of South addition from R-3 to C-1 - approved at Public Hearing for Charleston Rezoning - 3/19/1952