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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes Index 2, 1911-1960: documents, item 535


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    Morningside Park Subdivision - Tentative Map approved - 3/5/1952 Murphy Construction Company - Partial payment on assessment District #100-6 approved - 3/5/1952 Murphy Construction Company - Partial payment for assessment District #100-6 approved - 3/19/1952 [not legible] Subdivision Tracts No. 1,2, and 3 - Tentative Map approved - 4/2/1952 [not legible] Tract Rezoning from R-1 to R-2 and R-3 - Public Hearing Set may 7 - 4/2/1952 Murphy Construction Company - Partial Payment approved on assessment District #100-6 - 4/2/1952 Monument of Gold Star Mothers - Place to be found in City Park - 4/2/1952 Moran, Johnny of Police Department - Salary Increases approved - 4/2/1952 [not legible] Tract no. 2 & 3 - Revised Tentative Map approved - 4/16/1952 Murphy Construction Company - awarded Paving Bid - 4/16/1952 Murphy Construction Company - advanced payment on assessment District #100-6 approved - 4/23/1952 [not legible] Tract Rezoned from R-1 to R-2 and R-3 approved - Public Hearing - 5/7/1952 Murphy Construction Company - partial payment on assessment District #100-6 and paving of Mesquite & 4th streets - 5/7/1952 [not legible], C.A. Variance application denied at 5th and Bell Drive for outdoor advertising sign - Resolution #285 adopted - 6/4/1952 [not legible] Tract no. 1 - no action taken on final map - 6/4/1952 Murphy Construction Company - Bid on Street Improvement on assessment District #100-17 awarded - 6/11/1952 Murphy Construction Company - Advanced payment on assessment District #100-6 approved - 6/11/1952 Mohler, C.A. zone variance denied in Biltmore addition - Resolution #288 adopted at Public hearing - 7/2/1952 [not legible] Tract #1 Final Map - approved subject to approval of city engineer & filing of bond - 7/2/1952 [not legible], D.L. Variance approved - Resolution #304 approved - 7/16/1952 Meeting [not legible] 10:00 P.M. - [not legible] 10:30 P.M. - 7/16/1952 Murphy Construction Company Bid 5211 - Bids opened & referred to City Manager - 8/6/1952 Moses Tract # 3: Final Map - no action taken - 8/6/1952 Mr. Bottle Liquor Store - Liquor application tabled - 8/6/1952 Motorcycle for Police Department - City Manager to base - 8/6/1952 Murphy Construction company awarded Bid 5211 - Intersection Improvement on Charleston Blvd. - 8/11/1952 [not legible], H.C. Variance at 120 no. 8th approved - Resolution 319 adopted - 8/20/1952 [not legible] Tract # 3 Final Map - approved with conditions - 8/20/1952 Morgan, D.R. - appeal on [not legible] Permit granted [not legible] & Hitchcock denied - 9/3/1952 Murphy. J.M. Construction - Partial Payment on assessment District 100-17 approved - 9/3/1952 Moore, Mrs. [not legible] - Child Welfare Board - 9/17/1952 Mountain View Trailer Park - Managers to appear before Board re: sanitary conditions - 10/1/1952