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Las Vegas City Ordinances, March 31, 1933 to October 25, 1950, lvc000014-450


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    Where the amount of gross earnings actually made in any period shall be in excess of the estimate for such period, the licensee shall be indebted to the City for any deficiency in fee paid for such period liable therefor to the City in a civil action. No license hereunder shall be issued to such licensee for any subse­quent period unless end until such deficiency is paid to the City Clerk. Where the amount of gross earnings actually made in any period shall be less than the estimate for such period, the excess paid in the previous period shall be credited to the licensee and the same shall be applied to a license issued to such licensee for the subsequent period, provided in no event shall the license fee for any period specified herein be less than the minimums above set forth. The licenses above-mentioned shall entitle the holder or his employees, to carry on, conduct and operate any one slot machine of only the specific type end class, or only such other specific game or device, for which such license is issued, and only in the particular room and premises described therein, for a period ending with the quarter within, which the license was issued: provided, that no license shall be granted for any portion of any quarter for a sum less than the full quarterly license fee, and the end of each quarter shall be the last days of March, June, September and December of each year; provided, further, that the licensee shall be entitled to carry on, conduct, and operate two or more slot machines, games or devices mentioned in this section, in the same room, upon the payment of the licensee fee herein provided for and the issuance of a license in the manner and upon the authority, and upon the conditions and restrictions in this chapter provided as on an application for an original license. Each license shall specify upon the face thereof the name of the licensee, and a com­plete description identifying the particular room or premises in which the licensee intends to carry on, conduct or operate the slot machine, game or device mentioned in this section, and shall specify the particular type and class of slot machine, or other particular game or device, by name. Section 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 3. If any part, provision or section of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance or the application of such part, provision or section thereof to any other person or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its final reading and adoption, and final publication as in the next section provided. Section 5. The City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas shall cause this ordinance to be published once a week for two successive weeks immediately following its first reading and adop­tion, in the Las Vegas Review Journal, a daily newspaper published in the City of Las Vegas. The above and foregoing Ordinance was first proposed and read by title to the Board of Commissioners on the 6th day of January. 1950. and referred to the following committee composed of Commissioners Bunker and Peccole for recommendation; thereafter the said committee reported favorably on said Ordinance on the 24th day of Janu­ary , 1950, which was the special meeting of said Board of Commissioners; that at said special meeting held on the 24th day of January, 1950. the proposed Ordinance was read in full to the Board of City Commissioners as first introduced and adopted by the following vote: Voting "Aye": Commissioners Bunker, Peccole, Whipple and His Honor, Mayor Cragin.______________________ Voting "Nay": None_____________________________________________________________________________ Absent: Commissioner Moore________________________________________________________________ APPROVED: S/ E. W. Cragin______________________________________ SEAL ATTEST: S/ Shirley Ballinger________________ City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NEVADA,) COUNTY OF CLARK ) ss. _____Carl Woodbury________being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is auditor_____of the LAS VEGAS EVENING REVIEW-JOURNAL, a daily newspaper, of general circulation, printed and published at Las Vegas, in the County of Clark, State of Nevada, and that the attached was continuously published in said newspaper for a period of 2 days from January 30, 1950 to February 6, 1950 inclusive, being the issues of said newspaper for the following dates, to-wit: January 30, 1950, February 6, 1950, That said newspaper was regularly issued and circulated on each of the dates above named. S/ Carl R. Woodbury______________________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me this S/ A. E. Cahlan____________________________________________ Notary Public in and for Clark County, Nevada Commission Expires January 12, 1951. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 402 AN ORDINANCE EMPOWERING, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EX-OFFICIO CITY ASSESSOR OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, COUNTY