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S. 15 ft. lot 30. Block 11, Paul D. Hosman, Fred H. Miller, and Irene Turner Hosman owners, assessment $77.85. N. 10 Ft. lot 31 Block 11, F. G. Rau and son owners, assessment, $51.92. Lots 31, and 32, Block 11, F. G. Rau and son owners, assessment, lot 31 $140.21, lot 32, $150.65, total, $290.86. Lot 9, Block 12, W. H. and Ione Flickenger, owner, assessment, $10.44. Lots 10, and 11 Block 12, Mrs. Etta. Hitt, owner, assessment, lot 10, $20.88, lot 11, $31.82, total, $52.70. Lots 12, and 13, Block 12, J. L. Finney, owner, assessment, lot 12, $41.76, lot 13, $52.20. total, $96.96. Lots 14, 15, 16, Block 12, Ed. Von Tobel owner, assessment, lot 14, $62.64, lot 15 $73.08, lot 16, $83.52, total, $219.24. Lot 17, Block 12, Adolph Levy, owner, assessment $83.52, S. 8-l/3 ft. of lot 18, Block 12, Adolph Levy, owner, assessment, $24.36. N. 16-2/3 ft. lot 18 and S. 16-2/3 Ft. lot 19, Block 12, M. E. Ward, owner, assessment N. 16-2/3 ft. lot 18, $48.72, S. 16-2/3 ft. lot 19, $41.76, total $90.48. N. 8-1/3 ft. lot 19 and lot 20 Block 12, Adolph Schwartz, owner, assessment, N. 8-1/3 ft. lot 19, $20.88, lot 20, $52.20, total, $73.08. Lots 21, 22, 23, and 24, Block 12, Mrs. Albert James owner, assessment, lot 21, $41.76, 22, #31.32, lot 23, $20.88, lot 24, $10.44, total, $104.40. Lot 9, Block 21 Catholic Church, owner, assessment, $10.44. Lots 10, and 11, Block 21, Perle S. Brown, owner, assessment, lot 10, $20.88, lot 11 $31.32, total, $52.20. Lots 12, and 13, and N. 10. ft. of lot 14, Block 21, Dr. H. L. Hewetson owner, assessment, lot 12, $41.76, lot 13, $53.20, N. 10 ft. lot 14, $25.06, total. $119.02. S. 15 ft, lot 14, lots 15 and 16, Block 21. E. S. Sheppard owner, assessment, S. 15 ft. lot 14, $37.58, lot 15 $73.08. lot 16, $83.52, total. $194.18. Lots 17 and 18, Block 21, L. L. Carson, owner, assessment lot 17, $83.52, lot 18, $73.08 total $156.60. Lot 19, Block 21. J. H. McCann, owner, assessment, $62.64. Lots 20 and 21, Block 21, Cyril S. Wengert, owner, assessment, lot 20, $52.20, lot 21 $41.76, total, $93.96. Lots 22, and 23, Block 21, Ernest Cragin, owner, assessment, lot 22, $31.32, lot 23 $20.88, total, $52.70. Lot 24, Block 21, E. B. Bailey, owner, assessment, $10.44. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 22, Las Vegas Land and Water Company owner, assessment, lot 1, $150.65, lot 2, $140.21, lot 3, $129.77, lot 4 $119.33, lot 5, $108.89, lot 6, $98.45, lot 7, $88.01, lot 8, $77.57, total, $912.88. Lots 9 and 10 Block 22, Julia Lorenzi, owner, assessment, lot 9, $77.57, lot 10 $88.01, total, $165.28. Lots 11, and 12, Block 22, Mrs. Edith Johnson, owner, assessment, lot 11, $98.45, lot 12, $108.89. Lot 13, Block 22, D. J. Ronnow, owner, assessment, $119.33. N. half of lot 14, Block 22, D. J. Ronnow owner, assessment, $64.88. S. half of lot 14, and lots 15 16, 17, and 18, Block 22. J . J. Tuckfield, owner, assessment, S. half of lot 14, $64.89, lots 15 and l8, $140.21, each, lots 16 and 17, $150.65. each, total $646.61. Lots 19 and 20 Block 22, Charles, and Joseph Doyle, owners, assessment, lot 19, $129.77, lot 20, $119.33, total, $249.10. Lots 21 and 22, Block. 22, D. Hindrichsen, owner, assessment, lot 21, $108.89, lot 22, $98.45, total, $207.34. Lots 23 and 24, O. K. Adcock owner, assessment, lot 23, $88.01, lot 24, $77.57, total, $165.58. Lots 25, and 26, Block 22, F. M. Doolittle, owner, assessment, lot 25, $77.57, lot 26, $88.01, total, $165.58. Lots 27, 28, and 29, Block 22, Estate of Lorenzo D. Creel, owner, assessment, lot 27 $98.45, lot 28, $108.89, lot 29 $119.33, total, $326.67. Lots 30, 31, and 32, Block 22, Cora J. Noblitt, owner, assessment, lot 30, $129.77 lot 31, $140.21, lot 32, $150.65, total, $420.63. Lots 1 and 2, Block 25, Mary Ottinger, owner, assessment, lot 1, $150.65, lot 2, $140.21, total, $290.86. Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 23, Las Vegas Land and Water Company owner, assessment, lot 3, $129.77, lot 4, $119.33, lot 5, $108.89, lot 6, $98.45, total, $456.44. Lots 7 and 8, Block 23, Boggs Brothers owners, assessment, lot 7, $88.01, lot 8, $77.57, total, $165.58. Lots 9 and 10 Block 23, L. Flaherty, owner, assessment, lot 9, $77.57, lot 10 $88.01, total, $165.58. Lots 11, and 12, Block 23, Gwyda Maydell Pistole, owner, assessment, lot 11, $98.45, lot 12, $108.89, total, $207.34. Lots 13, and 14 Block 23, Brady Golden owner, assessment, lot 13, $119.33, lot 14 $129.77, total, $249.10. Lots 15, and 16, Block 23, G. C. Akers, owner, assessment, lot 15, $140.21, lot 16, $150.65, total, $290.96. Lots 17, 18, 19, and 20, Block 23, Las Vegas Land and Water Company, owner, assessment, lot 17, $150.65, 18, $140.21, lot 19, $129.77, lot 20, $119.35. total, $359.96. Lots 21, and 22 Block 23, A. F. Wengert, owner, assessment, lot, 21, $108.89, lot 22, $98.45, total, $207.34. Lots 23 and 24, Las Vegas Land and Water Company owner, assessment, lot 23, $88.01 lot 24, $77.57, total, $165. 58. Lots 25 and 26, Block 23, E. F. Walters, owner, assessment, lot 25, $77.57, lot 26, $88.01, total, $165.58. Lots 27, 28, 29, and 30, Las Vegas Land and Water Company owner, assessment, lot 27, $98.45, lot 38. $108.89, lot 29, $119.33, lot 30, $129.77, total, $456.44. Lots 31 and 32, Block 23, T. B. Croal, owner, assessment, lot 31, $40.21, lot 32, $150.65, total, $290.86. Lots 1 and 2, Block 24, J. J. Curtis, owner, assessment, lot 1, $150.65, lot 2 $140.21, total, $290.86. Lots 3 and 4, Block 24, Las Vegas Land and Water Co; owner, assessment, lot 3, $129.77, lot 4, $119.33, total, $240.10. Lots 5 and 6, Block 24, James Williams owner, assessment, Lot 5, $108.89, lot 6, $98.45, total, $207.34. Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, Block 24, Las Vegas Land and Water Company owner, assessment, lot 7, $88.01, lot 8, and 9, $77.57, each, lot 10, $88.01, lot 11, $98.45, lot 12, $108.89. total $538.50 Bros. Lots 13 and 14, Block 24, Boggs owners, assessment, lot 13, $119.33, lot 14, $129.77, total, $249.10.