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Las Vegas City Ordinances, July 18, 1911 to March 31, 1933, lvc000013-193


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    s JU H S ' JL \ ^ ^ Z*' sucli bucirccs -np*r s.miiU'^ * — . . ^y** T'^tl' " Ti ct-L -i- .'- - -bjb 3 t*XAAJLj. --A* 2 1! * ^ ^* ' U " Oj* f ^ busm-s^ , business other than that described in Subdivision Subdiv. 2. ?or ewry ^ma 01 ^ 1 of this Section, per annum, $50.00. .. . , , . shall he issued by the City Clerk upon application being made therefor, ^ucii license *3 , i -<-! i ^-ry--oTfn<p i'*' advance* ap.d shall be payable ±ir <- - - onse shall entitle the holder thereof to engage in the business of in \ and apparatus inside buildings, for use in connection with electrical ctrical wiring ana cipy o*f the City of Las Vegas ii,dit, heat, oi* power withm the limits oi t e y . w^'ovisio-s of tills Section shall not apply to the lessee or ovaier Provided, that the provisions . where such owner or lessee shall personally perform the installation of oP any premises wneio ^ ^ annaratus upon the premises oivned or leased by uim^ ^ such electrical uj. t&e case may be. - . Anv person, or officer, superintendent, manager, or agent of any corporation, ' oo- rany, or association violating any of the provisions of this ordinance gll be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine (if not less than ten ($10.00) dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), ! ^ imprisonment in the City Jail of sail City for any period not less than five (5) dayn, . . c-iv ^nntbq or bv both such f:\ne and imprisonment, more than six monun&, uj ^ ^ ^ rni,^ ordirance shall talic effect and be in force from after its passage and <-^option and publication for one week, two issues in Las Vegas Age, a semi-weekly newsp^p^ {published in the City of Las Vegas. Passed and adopted this 2nd day of February, 1923, upon* the following vote: Commissioners Smith, Mundy, German, Neagle, and his Honor the mayor, voting aye. Noes, none. First reading January 10, 1928. Second reading February 2, 1928. Approved this 2nd day of February, 1928. J. F. Hesse___________._______ Mayor. ATTEST: WM. L. Scott______________ City Clerk. (SEAL.) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NEVADA ) SS. COUNTY OF CLARK. ) C. Russell Squires being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Manager of the Las Vegas Age, a semi-weekly newspaper, of general circulation, printed and published at Las Vegas, in the County of Clark, State of Nevada, and that the attached ORDINANCE No. 128, was continuously published in said newspaper for a period of one week (Two Issues) from February 10th, 1928, to February 14th, 1928 inclusive being the issues of said newspaper for the following dates, to-wit: February 10th and 14th, 1928. That said newspaper was regularly issued and circulated on each of the dates above named. That the charge for publishing the same was $24.80. Signed C. Russell Squires, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of March, 1928. C. D. Breeze Notary Public in and for Clark County, Nevada. (SEAL) My Commission Expires, May 26, 1931.