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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, December 8, 1959 to February 17, 1960, lvc000012-56


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    City Manager Kennedy stated that at the last meeting this matter, involving the rezoning of land located between Washington and McWilliams and between Highland and the west line of the existing public housing development had been held in abeyance; that he believed everyone was acquainted with the plan that has come in, which proposes to reclassify from R-E to R-2 the land between Washington and McWilliams, from the center line of "N" Street east to the present public housing development, but that the area between Washington and McWilliams, "N" Street and Highland was to remain R-E, the same as all of the property between Washington and Harrison, and that land would be transferred to the City of Las Vegas, in return for land which the City now owns which would be transferred to the Housing Authority on an equal trade basis. Commissioner Fountain commented that His Honor, Mayor Gragson, had a rough sketch, showing the area proposed to be rezoned, which he thought the Bonanza home owners should examine and added that Mr. Bills had a sketch which was more complete. Commissioner Sharp addressed Attorney Adams and informed him that, in essence, the 40 housing units could be accommodated contiguous to the existing Marble Manor Housing and to the center line of "N" Street, as projected, adding that he thought this was in accord with the thinking of Mr. Adams' group. Attorney Adams replied that was right, and asked if it was the City's intention to pass a resolution at this meeting that this property zoned R-E shall not be taken for housing purposes in the future. Commissioner Fountain replied that after the map had been inspected he would ask the City Attorney to frame the motion, which would be more than one motion. Attorney Adams then inquired if there would be any objection to a resolution to the effect previously stated by him. His Honor, Mayor Gragson, stated he did not know if they could bind the Board, to which Attorney Adams replied that he would just like to have something for the record. City Attorney Cory advised the meeting once the City acquires title to the land it would be taken completely out of the effect of the Cooperation Agreement, because the City would be the owner, rather than the Housing Authority. Mr. Adams remarked he would like some indication in the minutes from the Commission that the property zoned R-E would not be taken for housing purposes in the future. Commissioner Fountain stated they could not bind the Commission ten years from now; that the land would be taken out of the Cooperation Agreement and would be put in the hands of the City. City Attorney Cory stated that all expressions being made by individuals were going into the minutes and it was his opinion that was as far as they could go. It was Mr. Cory's thought there could hot be a resolution binding future Boards of Commissioners. Commissioner Fountain requested City Attorney to word the proper motion. City Attorney Cory advised that a rezoning ordinance would be required (which was not prepared at this time for presentation to the Commission); that this ordinance would have to be adopted and published in the ordinary manner, in order to become effective as an ordinance. Commissioner Sharp then inquired if the Board could move to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and ask that an ordinance be prepared, to which Mr. Cory replied that this would suffice, and at the next meeting he would have an ordinance ready for adoption and publication. It was Mr. Cory's thought there should also be a resolution, resolving that the Board of Commissioners accepts the offer of the Public Housing Authority of the City of Las Vegas to exchange approximately x number of acres - whatever it now was - adding that he did not know just what the price would be now. Attorney Rulon Earl advised it would be dollar value, and Mr. Cory continued by stating, "Well, to accept that area of property owned by the Housing Authority between N and Washington, and that the City will negotiate an exchange of property of like and similar appraised value in return for a deed to this property." Attorney Rulon Earl stated he thought it would be better to use the cost figure to the Housing Authority for the purpose of trading to the City the property between "N" and Washington, and for the property the Housing Authority had under option (on 28th Street) it would be better to use the appraised value for the purpose of trading the same to the Housing Authority in exchange for the property between "N" and Washington. 2-3-60 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF CITY OF LAS VEGAS Request for Rezoning of Parcels 1 and 2 Approved