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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 20, 1957 to December 2, 1959, lvc000011-562


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    Wilma Wilgar, 1111 Desert Lane, stated she had a nice home in this area and would like to maintain it as a residence and would not care for this change in zoning. Dr. D. N. Leavitt referred to a piano shop and nursery which was allowed here and stated he did not believe it was right to deny another man the privilege of developing a business on his property. He continued that this piece of property was not suitable for a home and if the Commission saw fit to rezone it for the purpose such as he proposed he could see no reason that it would hurt anyone. Dr. Leavitt stated that he had no preliminary plans for the drive-in root beer stand which he wishes to build at this location; however, he did have a picture of the proposed structure. He stated he had paid a franchise for the product which will be sold and he was required to build within one year. Harry Cobb stated he owned property right next to Mr. Leavitt's and he was in favor of approving this request for rezoning as he could not see how it would hurt any­one. He added that his property was opposite the site in question and faced Charleston and also Desert Lane. Bob Harris, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the First Presbyterian Church, informed the Board that they were considering a building program and that they were concerned about what the freeway might take and what it might do to this property. Director of Public Works Sauer stated the plans for the interchange of the freeway at this location had not been finalized. Commissioner Sharp asked Dr. Leavitt if he would still wish to build if the freeway should come through at this location and he stated he would. -0O0- At the hour of 8:20 P. M. the meeting was recessed and reconvened at the hour of 8:40 P. M. with all members present as of the opening session. -0O0- His Honor Mayor Gragson stated they would continue with the hearing on Rezoning Z-9-58. Commissioner Whipple stated this application was for a C-2 zoning and perhaps that was extreme. He stated there was no question in his mind that this property offered a real problem and that it was not suitable for a residence. As far as the freeway was concerned if it should take part of this area it would also take property of the protestants. Commissioner Whipple suggested a rezoning to C-1 as there was presently M-1, M-2, R-4. and R-E all around this property and the applicant was unable to do anything with it under the present zoning. Commissioner Whipple moved the application of D. N. Leavitt for reclassification of property located on the south side of West Charleston Boulevard between Highland Drive and Desert Lane be approved from R-1 and R-4 to C-1 and the City Attorney instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance amendment. Motion seconded by Commissioner Elwell and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Elwell, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor Mayor Gragson voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Fountain stated that some three weeks ago the Mayor, Director of Public Works and himself were in Carson City and at that time Mr. Ed Pine, State Highway Engineer, informed them it would be a minimum of four years before the freeway would reach this area. -0O0- At the hour of 8:30 P. M. Commissioner Fountain was excused from the meeting. -oOo- NO PARKING ZONE Commissioner Sharp moved the recommendation of the Traffic and Parking Commission Oakey Blvd. for the installation of a no parking zone on both sides of Oakey Blvd. starting at Las Vegas Blvd. South and extending east approximately 375' be approved; this Approved action would facilitate turning movements at the intersection. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Elwell, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor Mayor Gragson voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Fountain. REZONING (Z-18-59) The Commission considered the amended application of Baumgardner, Baumgardner and Baumgardner, Hill for reclassification of property located on the west side of 14th Street, ½ Baumgardner and Hill block north of Fremont from R-3 to R-4. Denied The original application requested rezoning of only three lots owned by Baumgardner, and the Planning Commission recommended denial; however, the Board of City Commissioners on August 3, 1959, held this application in abeyance and on August 19, 195, the City Commission referred it back to the Planning Commission with the recommendation that serious consideration be given the rezoning of the surrounding 4-block area to R-4. The Planning Commission conducted public hearing on September 10, 1959, and the original applicants did not appear but prior to the hearing advised the Planning Director that the property had been sold and they were no longer interested in the rezoning. One neighboring property owner was present at the hearing and indicated that R-3 was the proper zoning at this time. Denial was again recommended by the Planning Commission on the grounds that the area was presently well-developed in R-3 garden- type apartments, and there appeared to be no public need for reclassification. Commissioner Sharp moved the amended application of Baumgardner, Baumgardner and Hill for reclassification of property located on the west side of 14th Street, ½ block north of Fremont from R-3 to R-4 be denied as recommended by the Planning Commission. 9-16-59