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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 20, 1957 to December 2, 1959, lvc000011-46


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 758 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE CREATING STREET IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 100-35; PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF A CERTAIN DESIGNATED STREET THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ACCORDING TO BENEFITS TO DEFRAY THE STATED ENTIRE COST THEREOF; DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF AN ASSESSMENT ROLL AND THE REPORTING OF THE SAME TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS; PROVIDING FOR FILING OF SAID ROLL WITH CITY CLERK; PROVIDING A TIME AND PLACE TO REVIEW SAID ASSESSMENTS AND NOTIFICATION THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE CORRECTION AND/OR CONFIRMATION AND APPROVAL OF SAID ROLL THEREAT OR THEREAFTER; PROVIDING FOR THE INDORSEMENT ON SAID ROLL OF SAID CONFIRMATION AND APPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR THE DELIVERY OF SAID APPROVED ROLL TO THE EX-OFFICIO CITY ASSESSOR; PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESSMENTS SHALL CONSTITUTE A LIEN; PRESCRIBING THE METHOD OF PAYING SAID ASSESSMENTS AND THE INTEREST THEREON; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF SAID ASSESSMENTS; DIRECTING THE NOTIFICATION BY MAIL WHEN AND WHERE SAID ASSESSMENT IS DUE AND PAYABLE; RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING ALL ACTION HERETOFORE TAKEN TOWARD IMPROVING SAID STREET IN SAID DISTRICT; TOWARDS ITS CREATION AND TOWARD LEVYING AND EFFECTING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas in the County of Clark and State of Nevada deems it expedient and for the best interests of said City to improve a part of a certain street hereinafter particularly described by the laying of oil bound gravel pavement thereon, and by constructing on both sides thereof concrete curbs and gutters and concrete valley gutters wherever necessary and installing sidewalks and street lighting along the same; and WHEREAS, said Board deems it expedient and desirable to create Street Improvement Assessment District No. 100-35 for the purpose of making said improvements, and to defray the entire cost and expense thereof by special assessments made according to benefits against the owners and assessable lots, premises, and property specially benefited by such improvements and included within said district proportionately to the benefits received; and WHEREAS, there is not included within said district any public or other property against which a valid special assessment cannot be levied by said City; and WHEREAS, in no case does the estimated amount of any special assessment upon any lot or premises for said improvements exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the value of such lot or premises as shown upon the latest tax list or assessment roll for state and county taxation; and WHEREAS, said Board considers it necessary, desirable, and for the best interests of the City, to take the steps provided by law for the organization of an assessment district and the construction therein of said improvements; and WHEREAS, said Board by Ordinance No. 752, passed, adopted and approved the 18th day of December, 1957; declared its determination to make certain public improvements as herein provided, to create Street Improvement Assessment District No. 100-35 for the purpose of making said improvements, to defray the entire cost and expense thereof by special assessments made according to frontage, and fixed a time in which protests against the proposed improvements or the creation of such District might be heard and considered by said Board, and directed notice thereof to be given; and WHEREAS, said Board determined that said notice was given in the manner prescribed by Section 7 of said Ordinance No. 752 and by Section 57; Chapter II, Charter of the City of Las Vegas; and WHEREAS, the owners of more than one-half the frontage to be assessed have not filed written objections concerning the making of said improvements, the creation of said District, or the defraying of the entire cost and expense by special assessments; and WHEREAS, objections, suggestions, comments and questions were made or raised at said protest hearing as follows: Attorney William Singleton, representing the owners of Lots 11 through 17 inclusive, Block 8, Crestwood Tract No. 5 protested on the basis that all proposed improvements have already been constructed by the owners of said Lots 11 through 17. Attorney John McNamee, representing Leopold Pahor, Gabriel Pahor, Gabryella Hrast, and Dr. C.W. Woodbury protested the creation of the district. WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said protest hearing, the Board determined that the following described property should be removed from the district, to-wit: The frontage of Lots 11 through 17 inclusive of Block 8, Crestwood Tract No. 5. WHEREAS, said Board has done all things necessary and preliminary to the creation of said Street Improvement Assessment District No. 100-35, and now desires to create said district; NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. There shall be and hereby is created a Special Assessment District in the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, to be called and designated Street Improvement Assessment District No. 100-35; which shall include all the lots, premises and property within said improvement district to their full depth; and the boundaries of said district, all within the City of Las Vegas, are described as follows; to-wit: 1-22-58