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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, September 21, 1955 to November 20, 1957, lvc000010-204


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas, Nevada February 20, 1956 (CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING) A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada held this 20th day of February, 1956 was called to order at the hour of 4.15 P.M. by His Honor Mayor Baker with the following members present: Mayor C.D.Baker Commissioner Wendell Bunker Commissioner E.W.Fountain Commissioner Hariis P. Sharp Commissioner Reed Whipple City Manager A.H. Kennedy Asst. City Manager R.W. Notti City Attorney Howard W. Cannon City Clerk Shirley Ballinger Mayor Baker announced that the purpose of this meeting was to hold a hearing on whether or not the license issued to Donald Zak at 415 South 5th Street to operate pinball machines should be revoked. His Honor asked for a report from the City Manager. Mr. Kennedy reported that on Thursday evening February l6th he received a call calling attention to this arcade across from the 5th Street Grammar School. On Friday morning he went to the arcade and found between thirty and forty children, many of whom were playing the coin operated machines. He asked Mr. Zak to see his license and was shewn a general mercantile license and a li­cense to operate twenty coin operated machines. He then called the Police photographer and had pictures taken, which he presented to the Commission. Mayor Baker read a letter from Mr. Paul Arenaz, Chairman of the 5th Street P.T.A. requesting that the Commission take action to close this establishment. Mr. Zak and his attorney Calvin Magleby appeared at this time. Mr. Magleby pointed out that Mr. Zak had applied for a license for an arcade which was approved by the Police and Fire Departments. He stated that Mr. Zak had signed a six month's lease for this location after his license had been ap­proved, and if he were forced to close it would be a great financial burden. Mr. Zak also spoke to the Commission and advised them that he checked closely to see that the children crossed the street at the cross walks and that they left his establishment at least five minutes before school started so that they would not be late for class. He stated definitely that he did not allow the children to smoke in his place. Thereafter Commissioner Fountain moved that this Arcade is a definite nuisance and directed that the license for Zak's Arcade be suspended until the proposed ordinance abolishing coin operated machines within five hundred feet of schools be adopted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Com­missioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and Mayor Baker voting aye; noes, none. The Commission instructed the Police Department to check other locations in the City that have pinball machines and report back to the Commission. An ordinance entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE CODE OF LAD VEGAS, NEVADA, 1949, WHICH PROVIDES FOR THE LICENSING OF BUSINESSES WITH­IN THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION THERETO TO BE KNOWN AS SECTION 23; LIMITING THE LOCATION OF COIN OPERATED AMUSEMENT MACHINES; PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO; PROHIBITING CERTAIN PERSONS FROM PLAYING SUCH MACHINES: PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, was read in full to the Board. Commissioner Fountain moved the above entitled Ordinance No. 699 be adopted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Com - missioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and Mayor Baker voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Sharp moved the following applications for renewal of gaming li­censes for the 1st quarter of 1956 be approved: GLENN VEGAS MOTEL William B. Stewart & Herbert A. Hitchens 233 South 5th 3 slots LIDO BAR William Elwell & Jack Conlon 107 North 1st 4 slots MAYFAIR DRUG Jack E.Staggs 1422 Fremont 8 slots Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Com­missioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and Mayor Baker voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Whipple moved the application of J.A. Ewing for license for one slot machine at the Charleston Inn, 17 W. Charleston for the first quarter of 1956 be approved: Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commis­sioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and Mayor Baker votigg aye; noes,none. ZAK'S ARCADE License Suspended ORDINANCE NO. 699 Coin Operated Machines GAMING APPLICATIONS Renewals GAMING APPLICATIONS New