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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 26, 1952 to February 17, 1954, lvc000008-502


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    472 PROPOSED ORDINANCE Subdivisions EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 571 Assessment D istric t No. 200-12 Bonds An ordinance e n title d . AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PLATTING AND SUBDIVIDING OF LANDS AND THE FILING AND APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIONS. PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RE­LATED THERETO; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE­WITH, was read by t i t l e and referred to Commissioners Sharp and Whipple fo r recom­mendation. Commissioner Sharp introduced and moved the adoption of the following emergency or­dinance, which was thereupon read in full and at length, and is as follows: EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 571 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 561, ADOPTED JULY 15, 1953; APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CREATION OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 200-12, THE MAKING OF CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BY IN­STALLING A SANITARY SEWER ALONG CERTAIN STREETS AND PORTIONS OF STREETS AND EASE­MENTS THEREOF, THE LEVYING AND PERFECTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TO MEET THE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF, AND THE ISSUANCE OF ITS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 200-12 SANI­TARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES JULY 1, 1953, AND THE ADOPTION ON JULY 15, 1953 OF EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 561; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, Chapter 2, Section 19 of the Charter of the City of Las Vegas provides that no bonds may be issued nor taxes levied except at a regular meeting attended by at least three Commissioners and the Mayor, or by four Commissioner® without the Mayor; and WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held the 15th day of July, 1953, and attended by the Mayor and two Commissioners, the Board adopted Emergency Ordinance No. 561 concerning the issuance of bonds and other matters. NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 3 of Emergency Ordinance No. 561 be amended to read as follows: "Section 3. That said bonds and the in te re st thereon sh a ll be payable from the special fund heretofore created and designated 'Assessment D istric t No. 200-12 Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bond In terest and Redemption Fund,' containing the receipts on the c o lle ctio n thereof from the sp ecial assessments le v ie d against and secured by a lie n upon property in said Sanitary Sewer Im­provement Assessment D istric t No. 200-12, which fund i s and sh a ll constitute a sinking fund fo r and be deemed esp ecially appropriated to the f u l l and prompt payment o f said bonds and the in terest thereon as they become due; provided, however, that in the event said fund sh a ll be in su ffic ie n t to pay said bonds and in terest thereon as they become due, the deficiency sh all be paid out o f the C ity 's general fu n d ." Section 2 . That a l l action, proceedings, matters and things (not inconsi­stent with the provisions of th is ordinance) heretofore taken, had and done by the City o f Las Vegas and the o ffic e r s o f said City concerning the making o f certain public improvements by in s ta llin g a sanitary sewer along certain streets and portions of streets and easements thereof in Sanitary Sewer Improvement D istric t No. 200-12 in said C ity, the creation o f said D istric t within and for said C ity, the levying and perfecting o f sp ecia l assessments to meet the cost and expense thereof, and the issuance o f i t s Assessment D istric t No. 200-12 Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bonds, Series July 1, 1953, fo r that purpose, be, and the same is hereby, r a t ifie d , approved and confirmed, including without lim itin g the generality o f the foregoing, the adop­tion on July 15, 1953 of Emergency Ordinance No. 561. Section 3. That by reason o f the fa c t that the sewers of the City of Las Vegas are inadequate to meet the present and future needs of the C ity and i t s inhabitants, and that i t is necessary immediately to raise funds to in s t a ll said sewers therefor, i t is hereby declared that an emergency ex ists and that th is or­dinance is necessary fo r the immediate preservation o f the public peace, health and safety. Section 4 . That the City Clerk and Clerk o f the Board o f Commissioners o f the City o f Las Vegas sh all cause th is ordinance to be published once a week fo r two successive weeks immediately follow ing i t s fin a l reading and adoption in the Las Vegas Review Journal, a daily newspaper published in said C ity, and this ordinance sh all become e ffe c tiv e immediately follow ing the second publication thereof. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, this 19th day of August, 1953. (SEAL) A tte st: s / C. D. Baker Mayor s / Shirley Ballinger_______ City Clerk Commissioner Whipple then seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing ordinance. The question being upon the adoption o f said ordinance, the r o ll was c a lle d with the f o l ­lowing re su lt: Those voting Aye: Those voting Nay: Commissioner Bunker Commissioner Jarrett Commissioner Sharp Commissioner Whipple Mayor Baker None 8-19-53